The dim people

by Norm 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    The dim people. The New World Society. The chosen, brain dead, scared people.
    The Watchtower's obedient parrots. Dim witted puppets without any independent will.
    Unthinking participants in never-ending meetings, where you get to hear the Watchtower's self produced nonsense repeated for the umpteenth time. Where you are served this worthless vomit of stupidity that is called "spiritual food". Thin goo, void of any nutrition, because of being reheated over and over again, thousands of times. A spiritual diet that means a dead braid for all those the Watchtower has conned into believing that there is any nutrition in it.

    Fear - the nameless fear, the fear of the stupid people. Fear of facts, fear of reality.
    Fear that only the Watchtower illusions can chase away. Come let us flee far away from reality. Come let us together escape into the illusions, let us together seek Brooklyn's perverted fantasies in their dream world, let us escape further into our black and white world, let us again experience the wonderful time when we could stone our son's and daughters to death, and all those who doesn't agree with us.

    Let the time return when we can stone all of them who refuse to accept our reality.
    Oh Brooklyn let us relive those times. Let us have the privilege to serve you in this manner. Oh Lord let us show our fear of you and our loyalty. Let us have the Watchtowers greatest privilege, to cast the first stone.

    We get to attend all these meetings and assemblies, we get to go from door to door, and like true parrots, parrot Brooklyn's insane nonsense, utter senseless drivel, so obvious to everybody but ourselves, the Organizations true-born, thoroughbred, brain dead, faithful, loyal, useful, insanely grinning, working for free, make believe happy idiots.

    Oh, let this never end, let us like F. W. Franz wait for the "generation" to end in a "million years". The generation that was 15, no 13, no 10, no born in 1914 - the longest generation in history. The thoroughbred Watchtower idiot generation, the generations of idiots that will never end. Let us never "walk ahead" of the organization, but always follow after. Let us in an endless row, insanely grinning playacting, scared, useful drooling idiots, follow in the old fools footsteps.

    Follow them from 1799 to 1874 to 1878 to 1881 to 1910 to 1914 to 1918 to 1920 to 1925 to 1941 to 1975. Let us never think, let us never reason. Help us like genuine idiots to always stick to your organization, our only fortress and protection against common sense. The organization that will always provide us with a totally meaningless answer to any silly question they can conjure up. The organization who can create problems out of nothing. The organization who can stamp problems out of thin air. The organization who can produce false dilemmas out of nothing.

    Let us never lack the Watchtower's limitless resource of "food" consisting of lies, tripe, drivel and nonsense. Let us continue on this diet until we drop in our endless waiting for what is forever promised but will never be experienced by us, Armageddon.

    Help us living like the organizations true children, with narrow minds, narrow hearts, narrow in everything. Let no one catch us doing anything to relieve pain and poverty in the world. Why should we care about the world's problems and hungry children? They are going to be butchered in Armageddon very soon anyway. Oh, we are so happy. What happiness it is to belong to the "happy people". The people which enjoys such a limitless freedom. The people who have the freedom to fight "independent thinking", who are free to "believe everything" that the Watchtower prints - yes, we have freedom to sacrifice life and health for Brooklyn. We thank the Watchtower who gave us the "truth" about the coming of Armageddon in 1914, 1925 and 1975. Yes, thank you oh, Great Organization for all these "life-giving truths". Let us never be found lacking in such great "new truth's" in the next hundred years in the Watchtower Societies suffocating embrace.

    Oh, great Organization who gave us the truth about the blood. Which has given us the great privilege to sacrifice our children and our own lives to you Oh, Almighty Organization. To us you are everything, for you we are prepared to do whatever you demand. We thank you Oh Brooklyn, for this opportunity to show our loyalty and love for your great Organization, by hating and shunning our own family, our children, siblings and friends. Yes, indeed what are they compared to you, Oh great and holy Organization. We are so happy to have the privilege of belonging to it. Your faithful elders cares so much about you that they are willing to shut up about fathers who molest their daughters for years. What's the ruined life of an innocent little girl compared to the Organizations name and reputation? Yes, what's 1000 girls shattered lives against the precious Organizations reputation? Oh no, the elders know what really matters. No lie, no deceit, no fraud - no indecent act must be spared to cast you in a favorable light. Everything to keep your façade clean Oh, Great Organization. We have all received your message loud and clear, command and we will obey, Oh, Great Organization.

    We will always be faithful to you Oh, Great Organization in Brooklyn. We promise that we will never contribute the power to save to any other Organization but you Oh holy one in Brooklyn.


  • nytelecom1

    I find it odd that someone would vent such hatred to someone who is "blind"...phrases such as "brain dead" and "stupid" really accomplish nothing.. I would imagine it is your desire to bring the WTS down. The only way this will ever happen is to draw away its support. The only way to draw away its support is to present the facts. The only way to present the facts is to be reasonable.

    I think it odd that everyone consider the dubs "brainwashed". I have never considered myself brainwashed..mindlessly believing everything that comes from the The Heights. Your classification that EVERYONE who is a dub is part of the "idiot geneartion" is as stupid as the JW teaching of Blood.

  • philo


    Nice poem. I see you're showing your cuddly side again.

    Nytelecom, while I prefer to see the organisation criticised, you have to admit the individuals carry SOME common traits. I think Norm has hit a couple of those traits.

    'All poets are liars' LOL!


  • TR


    Norm's story and the fact that we're here, prove that it's possible to become un-braindead and un-idiotic.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Farkel

    Greetings Norm,

    I have a blind friend. We we first started getting acquainted, I mentioned to him that I had been dub but left many years ago. He told me that he has a free service which delivers books and periodicals from a blind library containing audio cassettes of all sorts of things.

    He said that a dub called on him and upon discovering he was blind went to that library and brought him some tapes of Watchtower literature, which he then heard. I asked him what he thought about it and without any help, hints or coaching from me said:

    "They are the biggest bunch of self-serving self-glorifying religious leaders I've ever heard! Almost every paragraph is about THEM, the leaders! Whenever they talk about the Bible, it always applies to THEM. I've never seen such grandious egos in my life!"

    To think that a huge book like the Bible written over thousands of years and read and studied by countless billions was written for the sole benefit and understanding of a dozen old guys in Brooklyn New York in only the last hundred years of human history is to think like a braindead idiot.

    He never became a dub. Thank God.


  • Farkel


    : I find it odd that someone would vent such hatred to someone who is "blind"...phrases such as "brain dead" and "stupid" really accomplish nothing..

    Oh, really? It got a rise out of you, or you wouldn't have mentioned it!

    : I would imagine it is your desire to bring the WTS down.

    To the depths of hell where they belong.

    : The only way this will ever happen is to draw away its support. The only way to draw away its support is to present the facts.

    Uh, know-it-all: Norm has been doing this for years and years. He's helped countless dozens or hundreds to leave the WTS. He's an expert witness in JW child-custody cases. I find it laughable that you are giving him advice. Ninety Nine percent of his posts ARE facts, with copious quotes from old and new literature put out by the society. The other one percent is chit-chat. Obviously, Norm doesn't use this forum to chit-chat.

    : The only way to present the facts is to be reasonable.

    Everything he said in his post was reasonable. Most loyal dubs ARE braindead. One cannot be loyal and intelligent as a JW and be anything other than braindead. There is too much black/white thinking in the religion and too much hypocrisy to remain loyal without letting one's thinking abilities atrophy.

    : I think it odd that everyone consider the dubs "brainwashed". I have never considered myself brainwashed..mindlessly believing everything that comes from the The Heights.

    What Cultist admits to being in a Cult?

    : Your classification that EVERYONE who is a dub is part of the "idiot geneartion" is as stupid as the JW teaching of Blood.

    He didn't say that. Since you are so interested in "facts" show where he said that, in his post or in any of the many things he's written on JW over the years.

    Dubs only see what they want to see. They are the least of all people who are interested in actual facts.

    Many dubs are so braindead they cannot recognize obvious sarcasm when they see it from others like Norm, yet they are among the most sarcastic people I've ever associated with.


  • Ustabee

    I'm out and I'm glad I'm out. I wasn't brain dead or stupid when I was in, either. No one should criticize anyone for what they believe. Religion is so deeply personal, just like anything else, we have choices. George Jones has a song that goes, "Living and dying by the choices I've made." You make your choices, I'll make mine. So many things convinced me to just stay away and not even try to get reinstated; but that is my choice, no one else's. The org is going through some rough times, sure, but I wasn't forced to become a JW, nor was I forced to stay out.

    Norm has a right to state his opinions, I have a right to agree or disagree.

    You have to wonder, though, are the Witnesses any different than any other religion? My opinion is, not really. As far as learning Bible truths from the WT, I ran across a lot of people in the door to door who believed exactly the same things, but chose to either stay with the religion they were in or just be independent.


    Before I began studying with JW's, I had forsaken a lot of doctrine that I just didn't want to believe. Those who stay with the org have every right to that choice. Criticism of them for making such a choice is not our role. I choose to drive a Chevy, you choose to drive a Ford, I have heard people called stupid for the type of car they drive. Everyone is valuable in their own way.


  • dedalus


    The only way to draw away its support is to present the facts. The only way to present the facts is to be reasonable.

    Um, have you ever read any of Norm's other posts? If you have, and were paying attention, you'd see that this is exactly what Norm does. He consistently backs up his claims with extensive quotes, and his analysis is invariably accompanied by a prose that is lively, sharp, and a pleasure to read.

    This post seems to be a creative outing, a departure of style -- and among other things, it is satirical, and therefore uses the tropes and conventions of satire. You don't seem to get that, though.

    Personally, I'm tired of the PC movement's attempt to eradicate all instances of generalization. Generally, Witnesses are idiots. Perhaps a few are intelligent, but nevertheless they behave like idiots, so what's the point? And if you want to say that some Witnesses are liberal-minded and tolerant and cool, so what? They'll someday be disfellowshipped, since they aren't behaving like the idiots they're supposed to.


  • JanH
    No one should criticize anyone for what they believe.

    What an utterly stupid thing to say.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • slipnslidemaster

    Wow. Someone pissed in Norm's Wheaties today.

    Slipnslidemaster: "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. "
    - Martin Luther King Jr.

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