Thanks, Norm, for taking a step in answering the questions I put to Jan. So far, you've answered one of them. I asked whether the science of logic concerned itself with what was possible but unknown. You said, "Logic doesn’t concern itself with the unknown, if it did it wouldn’t be logic." I can live with that.
Right after, you said, "This should be quite obvious, TeeJay." Correction. In making that statement, you weren't being logical considering how dense I can be sometimes as demonstrated on other threads. <g> Since people are different, what *I* might consider obvious isn't ALWAYS to someone else. I made an assumption, but since I'm asking questions for clarification, I didn’t want to take anything for granted.
"Your arguments is very similar to arguments used by Jehovah's Witnesses..."
Actually, Norm, I don't have any "arguments" in this topic (other than it's unwise to generalize about a whole group of people--even JWs), only questions. As I mentioned to Jan, I'm not familiar with the study of logic so what it means to be "logical" to a logician may not be the same as what is logical to a layman like me. Again, that's why I asked the questions. Hopefully Jan (or you?) will drop by and answer the other questions I have about "logic."
So far, you've clued me in that the study of logic deals with only hard facts and nothing else. There is a problem, though, of hoping to come to a complete answer to any problem relying solely on logic or any other single mode of examination. It can be compared to a trained biologist, unfamiliar with automobile mechanics, attempting to use her professional expertise as a biologist to figure out why her car won't start. She will soon reason that deciphering the problem in front of her will require a different set of mental tools other than biology. Many of the bigger problems of life must be solved by using more than one methodology. In other words, perhaps determining the existence of god requires more than just logic.
Just a thought.