Come quickly, Lord Jesus

by myelaine 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • myelaine


    When I say christian values I guess I am using it as a generic term for right thinking, I mean the base values that we place on human life and living that life in a dignified and honourable way, as opposed to the attitude, I do what I want if it pleases me, I don't care if I hurt anyone by word or deed.


  • willyloman

    myelaine: You're 38. When you're 60 -- and you will be -- you will understand that it's cyclical. Meanwhile, take full responsibility for protecting yourself and your family.

    I recently watched a TV documentary in which the speaker told about a softball game featuring a bunch of school kids. At a crucial point in the game, the coach sent up a "special ed" kid who usually just warmed the bench. The opposing pitcher walked up close to the plate and lobbed an easy one, which the kid missed. The pitcher stepped closer, lobbed the ball, another miss. A play walked out behind the plate and put his arms around the handicapped boy and helped him with his next swing, which connected and sent the ball on a slow liner to first base.

    As the kid ran to first, the fielder let the ball slip through his legs and then turned around and slowly chased after it. The kid took first and kept on running. The infielder retrieved the ball and threw it as hard as he could toward second base, well over the second baseman's head. The kid headed for third as the crowd, and both teams, went wild. A fielder picked up the errant ball and hurled it in the direction of third, managing to land it perfectly in the dugout. The kid ran for home plate, where he was greeted by both teams and hoisted on their shoulders. His "hit" won the game.

    Rest assured that most people are good. The Watchtower is wrong when it says people will turn on each other and eat their childen. Some will, and we will have to deal with them.

  • xjw_b12

    myelaine. Well maybe you can make some money from Jesus, while you're waiting....

    Banner ad on page 2 LOL

  • JamesThomas

    When and where oh Jesus will you come and save us? Where and when is this Kingdom you speak of?
    "It is not lo here or lo there in space and time, but rather the Kingdom of God is within you."

    The problem is not out there. The problem is we have reduced our Source to a object too tiny to be here now.


  • heathen

    Jeeze all you gotta do is start a thread about jesus for all the atheists to show up .LOL

    I think you have some nice sentiment with what you said , you obviously care about others beside yourself and ones you never met before , now that's a quality that jesus can appreciate .I think to enforce this code of ethics that has been mentioned requires a facist attitude from man made government and I don't think anybody likes having a gun in their face while being told that what they did was wrong by another human beings standard of acceptance . True we don't play soccer with human heads litterally but if we take into account the blind obedience the people in power exspect from the common people it's pretty much the same thing . Many countries don't allow freedom of exspression or for the freedoms we have here in the states but there is an abuse of power here as well . I think the point that jesus made is that he wants all people to have a chance to get to know him and learn his ways before he is forced to destroy anybody .

  • jaffacake

    Sometimes when I'm depressed I feel the same. However, its all about a state of mind. JWs are conditioned to look only for the negatives, and there are plenty of them, there always have been & will be. As for what's in the news, the problems are bount to dominate eg. I drive to work everyday and usually the journey's okay. Occasionally there's a terrible traffic jam. When I get to work I mention my journey, only because i didn't go according to plan. For every tragedy in life everyday, thre are a thousand good things happen, but people don't fel the need to mention them or alert the media, that's just the way it is. Generall we've never had it so good. Someone very close to me is seriously ill, in any other time she would be far worse off and probably dead, but everyday brings further blessings and good news, although these things are never newsworthy. There are a lot of wonderful people in the world if only we look for the good aand not just the bad. Just a personal viewpoint. If you believe in the Bible, I see no reason to believe the return of Jesus is any more imminent than it was when the Watchtower Society predicted it was so 120 years ago. Remember the interpretations about signs of the times are as flawed as every other aspect of JW doctrne.

  • heathen

    True bad news sells but I think the point is that there is way more bad news than there should be . Despite the increase in knowledge and technology we are still bent on destruction . Now we don't have to just worry about people starving to death but the terror plots to destroy innocent people accross the globe . If you take public transportation you have to think everyday whether or not there will be an attempt on your life . There is nothing worse than suicide murderers .

  • AlmostAtheist
    When I say christian values I guess I am using it as a generic term for right thinking, I mean the base values that we place on human life and living that life in a dignified and honourable way, as opposed to the attitude, I do what I want if it pleases me, I don't care if I hurt anyone by word or deed.

    I would submit that most people have this view right now. Few people are truly willing to hurt people simply because it works out better for them that way. When I was a JW, I would get close to a "worldly" person now and then due to work or being neighbors or whatever. I would find myself thinking, "They're so nice, they would make good Witnesses." Truth is, MOST people are nice like that, and they don't need to be JW's or Christians to be that way.

    I think the "moral decline" idea is being overplayed. The news maxim "if it bleeds, it leads" comes from the fact that good things happen all the time. They aren't "news". News is the unusual thing, which is evil. Now if things were so bad that news became the good things that happen and evil rotten things were the norm, that's when I could say there's a moral decline going on.


  • GetBusyLiving

    This 'moral decline' stuff is a myth. Take a look throughout history and see how well people have treated each other. You might be very surprised. There is more going on now but only because there are so many more people. And there are many more people because things have gotten much better.


  • seven006

    Ranking of world's largest religions

    Christianity: 2 billion
    Islam: 1.3 billion
    Hinduism: 900 million
    Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 850 million
    Buddhism: 360 million
    Chinese traditional religion: 225 million
    primal-indigenous: 150 million

    I have often wondered why those who complain about crime and injustice and cry out for God to save them never seem to be able to do the math. They naturally think that it is everyone else who is causing the injustice.
    The worlds population of the religious believers out weighs the non believers over 4 to 1 on this planet. Christian believers out weigh the non believers over 2 to 1. Wake up and do the math.


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