Come quickly, Lord Jesus

by myelaine 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maxine Mouse
    Maxine Mouse

    I have read through all the posts here, and I am not bashing people who believe in god (whichever the god of their choosing is). I personally, have battled with myself for many years over the god issue. I have come to the conclusion that I prefer not to believe. If you give god credit for all the good things that happen, you would have to blame him for letting all the bad things happen when he obviously had the power to stop it, IMHO. I think all the bad news you see is newsworthy because (even though its almost all you hear) it is the exception to how most of the world lives. As to the alot of the children not being allowed god through there parents, I can only say that, even though I choose not to believe, I have always told my children (when they ask about religion) that if they ever wanted to go to church I would take them. I have never imposed my beliefs on my children. In fact, I dont even think they know I dont believe in god. I have always told them, when they ask about god, that their belief in him has to be a personal decision and that noone has the right to tell them to believe or not. Anyway, I think I have gotten a little off topic. Sorry.

  • seven006


    I see where most Christians consider themselves "true Christians" including the JW's, Mormons, Catholics, and the Ku Klux Klan etc. Iv never heard a Christian call themselves a false Christian or a, "not as true as the next Christian," Christian. Is there stages of "true Christians" like "true true Christians" or the "truest Christians" or the "truer that the other true Christians?"

    What makes one Christian truer than another true Christian and who decides that?

    I'm not trying to start a flame, just trying to figure out the definitions for all the variables of true Christianity as opposed to not so true Christianity.


  • myelaine

    seven006 and Maxine Mouse,

    I can see where there might be some confusion. Considering the fact that this thread went from, "the title" to where it is now, I guess I'll have to define my concepts. Let me say that in the course of this discussion, I have presumed to call all of God's people "christian". I should really stop doing that.... I tend to be pretty inclusive.


  • seven006


    That is good enough for me.

    Take care and give that cute little kid sitting on your lap a noogie for me.


  • Brummie

    Michelle, keep the faith you have, doesnt matter what anyone else chooses to believe. I admire you for having some form of hope.

    It is a little negative to view all the bad in the world, there are many people who do good too. Whatever your little piece of this world is, make the most of it and look after it. Be proud of it and be happy. The bad you see outside will keep you hoping for some justice, thats a good thing.


  • myelaine

    Thank you, I usually try to keep my chin up.


  • sonnyboy

    Whether Jesus is coming or not, we should try to do more in this system of things to help the world, not just donate money for more Watchtowers.

    No one knows when [if] the end will come. It's been "near" for the past 2000 years, and may be "near" for another 2000. I'm sick of the state of the world too, but simply peddling literature isn't going to change it. More needs to be done. More compassion needs to be shown.

    Just think of all the good people could do if they volunteered only half of their field service time to a worthy charity: Be a big brother or sister to a troubled kid. Be there for an alcoholic who's struggling to get sober. Be there for and help council the homeless in a soup kitchen. Just be there for ANYONE who's going down the wrong path or is having a troubled life. I don't think that only JWs should apply. JWs want the world to change so much, yet all they can come up with is selling books and magazines telling people how good the world will one day be.

    Why can't the world be good now? It's not an impossibility. My world is just fine.

  • sonnyboy
    IMO, the state of the world is better now than it has ever been. The media and the ability to broadcast news instantly have made it seem otherwise.

    Exactly. I'm unsure why JWs think things are worse than ever and the 'Treat Tribulation' is right around the corner.

  • Sunspot
    Just think of all the good people could do if they volunteered only have of their field service time to a worthy charity: Be a big brother or sister to a troubled kid. Be there for an alcoholic who's struggling to get sober. Be there for and help council the homeless in a soup kitchen. Just be there for ANYONE who's going down the wrong path or is having a troubled life. I don't think that only JWs should apply. JWs want the world to change so much, yet all they can come up with is selling books and magazines telling people how good the world will one day be.

    EXCELLENT POST Sonnyboy!!!

    As has been mentioned before---the WTS is all about numbers. Think of all the wasted efforts in ;

    a) the preaching work that gets very small results for all the massive efforts

    b) the "time slips" that JWs must fill out, and other JWs compile

    c) once compiled, to put into print with all the others stats that are in the annual data

    d) so that everyone can SEE what the WTS (the slave end of things) is doing so they can boast of their achievements

    When in fact, all that effort COULD be channeled into doing actual concrete hands-on GOOD for any community that a JW lives in!!!!!

    Wasted manpower. wasted minds and wasted lives.



  • lilybird

    Sunspot and sonnyboy, So true as your posts say that JWS have wasted so much of their lives away. Waiting for God to come fix everything and make it perfect. Time in field service that could be better spent improving human lives here and now. I can't think of what possible reason a loving God or Jesus , would wait to come to make everything perfect. All I know is.. all thru history....good always triumphs over evil in many wars where evil could have ruled the world, but nations came together to fight for freedom. In spite of the evil and madness existing in the world, good is predominant..well that is how I see it.

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