Did you just hate going door to door or were you one of the few that loved the work?
Did You Feel Stupid Going From House To House??
by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends
Hated it..........around the world and back snap.
Although I did have both positive and negative responses when I went door to door, I must admit that all in all I think the experience was good for me at the time. It taught me to overcome my fear of people, it taught me to speak my mind, it built my self esteam etc. Lots of good experiences.
I hated it...I hated bothering people who wanted to sleep in late and spend time with their families...I hated asking for money...and I especially hated running into people I knew!!!!
MissM, did you feel stupid, though??
I hated going door to door. HATED HATED HATED pesting people with this kind of stuff...
I would rather go to the dentist
I hated it. It was torture. I was one of those kids that was selling books at age 4/5, and they all thought it was sooo wonderful that such a little one was already preaching.
And to think, it's what I did full time from age 14-18.
Talk about a misspent youth .....
This is how I felt.
Not only did I feel stupid, but I looked stupid too.
i never liked it, it was always a chore.