Your friends on this board, largely d/f'd or d/a'd, are a damn site more on your wavelength than the folk down at the Hall
You know your an Apostate when
by pleaseer2001 46 Replies latest social humour
... when you toast for the first time in your life and the clinking sound of the glasses brings a vivid image of long-held chains falling off from you, and you smile inside, fully aware no one present at that crucial moment has the slightest idea of what that trivial gesture has meant to you...
You get rid of all your flowered print dresses, replacing them with a cute black party dress, a slinky fire engine red dress, and skirts that all sit above the knee!
.....When you see a news report about a disaster and you feel real empathy for the victims, and don't see it as a "sign".
Your kid texts you, "Mom, would you be offended if I started wearing a cross?"
And you text back, "Absolutely not."
And you really mean it.
Your first reading of the REVELATION: IT'S GRAND CLIMAX AT HAND publication that mentions how the prophecy of the seven trumpets were fulfilled by the talk from Judge Rutherford at the Ceder Point, OH convention in 1922 ... and you roll your eyes in disgust.
When you are told by your jw relatives, indirectly through other relatives, that you are considered among the Walking Dead.