I know people have left for PEOPLE issues but what about Jehovah God and Jesus? What have they done?
Does anyone Love Jehovah anymore?
by defd 88 Replies latest jw friends
I do love Jehovah and Jesus. I just find it hard to love them through an organization that asks more of us than the creator...
We all know what 1John4:8 reads. Loving God means OBEYING his commands!!!!!! Are we doing that?
I can't love someone I've never met and I can't even prove exists. Plus watching all those dead bodies floating up on the shores of Indonesia and seeing their familiy members heart broken doesn't exactly fill my heart with love for these imaginary characters.
So are you saying that the disater was caused by God?
I think it does depend on how you define love for God . The WTBTS has people believing in order to love God you must love their organization and do whatever they say but in reallity loving God is a personal thing .
Leaving the WT does not have to translate to leaving God. While some become angry with God when they find out they have been decieved by men I suspect most work those feeling out eventually
What happens to many, however, is their investigation into truth that lead to leaving the WT does not end with the step. There is much to learn about the "Jehovah" concept even from Jesus' comments. If "Jehovah of Armies" was the god Jesus wanted us to relate to it seems he would have used the name at least a few times in his preaching. But instead he spoke of a "loving father", no name. (Watchtower added the name Jehovah to the new testament in the NWT)
There is much to investigate. Meanwhile, your beliefs are valid. I hope we have all learned to stop judging others for their beliefs.
loving God by obeying his commandments as set forth through the bible. And yes through Hid organization. Same as in times past. Through God people isreal He gave instructions. Through a channel.
So are you saying that the disater was caused by God?
I don't think he was saying that but rather that he did nothing to stop it.
Ken P.
I love God and Jesus with all my heart!
Plus watching all those dead bodies floating up on the shores of Indonesia and seeing their familiy members heart broken doesn't exactly fill my heart with love for these imaginary characters.
GBL, Always remember something about life there is good and bad everywhere you go. If you only see bad it will have an impact of your life. When I found my Husband it was a wonderful day. When I gave birth to my babies it was a wonderful not yet to mention a miracle. Don't let yourself only see bad. Look harder you will find good! For that I love and believe in God! How can I hold my new born baby and say God did not give me this Gift?
Bad moments stand out more just don't let it get in the way of good!