Does anyone Love Jehovah anymore?

by defd 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaffacake

    I reckon Jesus had a great opportunity to tell us how important God's personal name was, when he gave the Lord's prayer.

    Luke 24:46 says " is written that the CHRIST would suffer and arise from amongst the dead on the third day, and on the basis of THIS NAME, repentance and forgiveness of sins would be preached to all the nations."

    What does Revelation 19:10 tell us inspires ALL prophesying? ?the bearing witness to Jesus"

    There are approximately 5,000 ancient manuscript copies of the Christian Scriptures (ie New Testament). I agree with the Watchtower that God saw to it that the preserved Greek text is ?a marvel of accurate transmission.?

    But if the name YHWH is so important, why did God not see to it that it was preserved, at least in a single one of those 5,000 ancient manuscripts?

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    "Jehovah" as described by the WTS - NO!!!

    Then most ... cked up creature imaginable!


  • IP_SEC

    My haiku to joehova

    God of shit and fleas
    Smelling his restful odor
    Exists no more

    Peace Yo, love ya jah. Awww come on J, dont be mad 'n stuff, I'z just kiddin!

    *hedging bets class*

  • acadian

    I Do,

    but unfortunitly WTS requires conditional love,( hours in field service ect.)... Jehovah dosen't.

    Isn't it written that when Jesus was talking to a Samaritan woman by a well, Jesus said not in this mountain or in Jeruselem will people worship the Father , but will worship him with spirit and truth ?

    Thats what I do, rather than sitting in a K. H. like a drone, blindly following false Prophets who can't make up their minds as to what they believe. ( flip/flops )


  • greendawn

    I don't like using the word jehovah as it is far too watchtowerish for my liking, linked to the old testsment and used by the WTS to emotionally blackmail the R & F. A relationship with God should be based on love not fear.

    The jews themselves stopped using jah long ago.

  • dorayakii

    I have never felt any love for "Jehovah" as presented at the meetings. If He is really supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent and then i feel NO affection for him. If His power was confined and his knowledge limited then maybe i would have "loved" him as someone who was doing his best to relieve human suffering.

    I'm sorry, but killing your own son is just not good enough for an omnipotent sovereign who doesn't have to answer to anyone. (I'd say "killing" in the pattern of Abraham and Isaac, but many would prefer "allowing him to be killed" which, for an omnipotent being, is basically the same as "being and an accomplice to his murder")...... And to whom was this "ransom" paid? Was it not to Himself?...... Add to this the fact that even 2000 years after the sacrifice, suffering ands death still continue. I'm sorry, its just not good enough... The God of the Jehovah's Witnesses is only selfishly concerned with His own sovreignty and He has allowed people to be killed and tortured... He has killed and tortured people continuously for the last 6000 years in order to prove His point.

    It is impossible to have an omnipotent and superlatively belevolent being and still have terrible tragedies in the world. One of the sides of the equations has to be balanced. The tragedies still and will continue to happen, so you can't get rid of them in the equation. The only other thing to get rid of is the idea of an omnipotent and superlatively belevolent God. So I don't believe in Him, nor feel any love for Him.

    This does not mean though that i don't believe in... something... but the concept is very different to the religious concept, and i don't like to label it with words which have a religious connotation. It is neither omnipotent nor omniscient nor necessarily benevolent. I acknowledge that i sense my own "life", my own "consciousness" and that i have a feeling of "self" that doesn't seem to be explained by anything purely physical.

    I believe that morality is more valuable and worthwhile when its created out of a genuine desire and not imposed upon us by an omnipotent being. I don't feel its necessary to come up with stories and fables about how this self-consciousness has spontaneously personified and dealt with past humans in a way that i have not experienced, and i also believe that its a very personal thing that is not to be regulated by a giant worldwide corporate pseudo-religious organisation.

    In conclusion, i don't love "Jehovah" but i do love this aspect of human consciousness that makes us able to invent, to reason, to interact, to enjoy, to be moral, to feel, to sense and to love.

  • luna2
    luna2 your haiku!

  • jimakazi

    [1] I'm not sure I could love the God of the bible - fear yes - love no!
    Why: Making Adam & Eve's decendants pay for their sin, throwing Satan and his demons out of heaven to earth, bringing Armagedon to wipe out those distroying the earth / not worshipping him in spirit and truth - yet providing no evidience of who has the truth, and allowing the state of confusion to go on.

    [2] Jesus is lovable, weather he was God, a god, god's son, or an inspirational man.

    [3] I'm not convinved the Bible is anything more than a very old book.

  • GermanXJW

    Je-who? No, but I have no feelings for Santa Claus either.

  • dorayakii
    If you want to know what Hes thinking Just read His word. He actually wrote that for us! To get to know him and too draw close to Him. His word says at James 4:8 Draw close to God and He will DRAW CLOSE TO YOU.

    I always find it fascinating that religious people require that you believe before having proof. It is unfair for "Jehovah" to expect people to believe in him first, THEN have him show you that he exists so you can have a... "relationship" with him. I tried to "draw close" to Jehovah when i was a believer but He never drew close to me. I realise now that i was like a child trying to "draw close" to Santa Claus by bribing him with "being good".

    God allows suffering for a reason.The bible clearly tells us why. Has anyone ever shared that with you?

    The combined experience of all exJWs on this site must go beyond thousands of years.Thousands of years of experience with the Watchtower has left us well familiar with all the arguements for why God allows suffering.

    However as i said in my last post, these arguements are just not good enough. The reasons for his allowing it are all selfish, egotistical reasons. He is only concerned with his OWN sovereigty. The very fact that He has "allowed" these things to happen while having the power to stop them, is solid proof that he does not deserve to rule.

    Judgeing by your pic of you and your dog, that in itself answers your question with a Loud yes. By the look of it you love your dog. With good reason it looks like a beautiful dog. Animals bring humans so much pleasure and who do we have to thank for that? Jehovah! He is the one who created them. He created them for us! our enjoyment. Does Jehovah love us? Yes He does

    Typical JW arguement... just point to the dog in people's picture, or the flowers in people's garden and you'll get "honest-hearted ones" to really count their blessings... ROFLMAO!!

    Not to at all to make ohiocowboy feel bad, but how do you know that his dog is still alive?... If he/she had passed away how would your arguement about Jehovah loving us hold water?... How do you explain the existance of a wild dog that bites and kills a child, does that also prove that "Jehovah" loves us?

    When something good happens you say "Oh how Jehovah God loves us"... when something bad happens you say "Oh how evil Satan the Devil is". Its contradictory and just plain stupid... Learn to think and reason for yourself instead of using all those ridiculous, flawed, erroneous Watchtower arguements.

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