Name some silly things you couldn't do as a witness

by sweet tee 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    Such as:

    Put your hand on your hips

    Switch when you walk

    Do popular dances where you shake yo money maker

    Say thank you when someone says "God bless you" after a sneeze

    Watch the fireworks (I remember a 'special needs talk on that one - oh the gasps from the audience )

  • bikerchic
    Put your hand on your hips

    I put my hands on your hips, when you dip I dip, we dip........reminded me of the song by Freak Nasty, da Dip, sorry I just couldn't refuse! I got counseled by an Elder for listening to that song repeatedly at a non JW sanctioned "gathering".....

    Oh well I'm just weird like that.

  • happyout

    Wear a skirt an inch above my knee (although I hear that may have been a regional thing)

    Read a King James Bible on it's own (only look up the scriptures quoted in publications)

    Watch the Smurfs, Bewitched, Scooby Doo, Twilight Zone, etc.

    Shop at yard sales (don't want to invite demons in)


  • ljwtiamb

    I can't believe that some would not watch the fireworks.

    Every bethelite with a view of the NY harbor would actually have a 'party' on the 4th of July and New Years with alcohol and the works. Even gb would invite people by on that evening. It was the thing to do since they had such a clear view of the fireworks against the NY City skyline. We would jokingly ask each other: "Are you going to Bro. So-&-So's New Year's party?" In fact, it was considered a special privilege if someone with clout invited you by.

  • minimus

    date, play keno, get a buzz, play solitaire

  • whyamihere

    Donate Money to certain Charities!

    Go to the YMCA....Sister you can't go to the Y, sorry you have to stay Fat!


  • Elsewhere

    When I was in first grade the song "Shake Your Bootie" was populare.

    The only way my mom would let me dance to the song was for me to put on some cowboy boots and "Shake my Boot".

  • AlmostAtheist

    Be "lucky", wish people "luck", etc. You could be FORTUNATE all day long, but you weren't allowed to be LUCKY.

    ("Allowed" refers to what you can do and people still consider you a "good JW", I don't think the Watchtower ever officially condemned the use of the term "luck". More cultural than religious, I suppose. (Or is that CULTural?))


  • drwtsn32
    You could be FORTUNATE all day long

    You must have been in one of those liberal congregations. We couldn't even use the word "fortunate"!

  • morty

    Have sex on a pool table.....

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