Name some silly things you couldn't do as a witness

by sweet tee 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere

    Morty has the best you for that!


  • AlmostAtheist
    The only way my mom would let me dance to the song was for me to put on some cowboy boots and "Shake my Boot".

    When my wife was a JW teenager, the JW mothers put their heads together and decided that the 80's song with the line about dancing "cheek to cheek" referred to BUTT CHEEKS, and so forbade their teens from listening to it.

    This from the same group that read a hotdog package, saw the ingredient "erythorbate", pronounced it "earth-uh-bait" and concluded that hot dogs contained worms. Despite my reasoning that using otherwise discarded cow and pig parts would be much cheaper than harvesting worms, I could never dissuade them from this belief. They still believe it as far as I know...

    (This isn't directly a JW problem, this is a hick town problem, but their lack of education and exposure to the real world due to their dubism no doubt makes it worse.)


  • AlmostAtheist
    You could be FORTUNATE all day long
    You must have been in one of those liberal congregations. We couldn't even use the word "fortunate"!

    I figured we were ok with "fortunate" since the Watchtower used it. Nobody ever called me on it, but if they did I was ready to show it to them. (Searching on reveals 9 occurrences of "fortunate" in their articles.) I wonder if JW's with Tourette's go around spontaneously shouting "LUCKY!" and "SMURF!"? Dave

  • GetBusyLiving

    :This from the same group that read a hotdog package, saw the ingredient "erythorbate", pronounced it "earth-uh-bait" and concluded that hot dogs contained worms.

    OMG I am laughing so hard my sides hurt

  • EvilForce

    Couldn't watch Three's Company since a guy lived with two girls outside of marriage....therefore they could not just be roomates they must be having sex!!!

    No Bewitched.

    Huey Lewis' song "I wanna a drug"... nope couldn't listen to it. He wanted a new drug...he was tired of all those other drugs and those weren't good enough so he was wanting to invent yet another new drug

  • avishai

    Say "Golly gee willikers"

  • Mary

    Go to a high school dance or graduation, because you'd probably come home pregnant.

  • EvilForce

    Sleep in on Saturday mornings!!!

  • findingme

    Shop at yard sales (don't want to invite demons in)

    I must have missed that study article. Is this for real? No yard sales for fear of demon possession?

  • kls

    Say ,Holy Cow or if someone sneezed Say God Bless you. The almighty elders got in my face about those,,,,,,,,,sheesh

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