About a year before I found out about the NGO issue, I stumbled across the pedophile story on TV. While I was ?out? for several years, I always felt it was the ?truth?. I still believed Armageddon was coming ?shortly?. I left because I felt unworthy. The TV program shocked me, didn?t much surprise me as there were rumors around during my stint. It hit close to home though when one of the boys mentioned on TV was well known to my sister. I soon forgot about it and continued to believe in the back of my mind.
About a year or so later, I stumbled by pure accident on the NGO story. (Could have been on this website). I hadn?t ever researched anything on JW?s before, in fact, I was googling bible scriptures because I lost my own bible and needed a scripture for something I was writing.
Being me I had to verify the story (you know it may have been apostate), so I pursued every link I could, and even ?borrowed? my parents Watchtower CD (they don?t know) to verify Watchtower material. I looked up everything for days, weeks, still. I am/was stunned, there is still a part of me that says ?this aint so, it?s blown out of purportion? yet, I have to believe it as I have seen the information with my own eyes.
You don?t know how many times I want to print everything out, including the letter from the UN and show it to my parents (still strongly in). I am tempted to print it out for the next time a JW comes calling and question them. It is with such anger I want to shout out this truth, but I keep it in. Why, family peace.
This information lead me to looking up more and more, reading Raymond Franz?s books and starting to feel more worthy about myself. I don?t consider myself apostate, because if it is the truth, then there is nothing apostate about my opinions. The JW?s pride themselves with truth, if they only knew how untruthful there mother organization has been, maybe they will wonder about ?what is truth and how do I really obtain it.?
Because of this information and other interesting tidbits, I tend to highly avoid anything to do with religion as a whole. I tend to not want to discuss anything with my parents (should have seen how red my tongue was after a recent funeral at a Kingdom Hall). Since I have no one to vent to, my husband does his best to understand (he was never a JW just had family in) but it doesn?t help. No one can truly understand the depth of this type of gross breech in trust this type of issue causes. This type of breech in trust is similar to finding out after all of these years, your most fundamental belief system is wrong. Day isn?t night, and night isn?t day, you have been wrong all along, and looked the fool to boot.
Who Was Shocked By the Watchtower UN NGO Scandal?
by AlanF 121 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I was totally shocked! Since I've been out for 28 years, the idea that the WTBTS would Sleep with the Wild Beast ... ugh... shiver. I didn't have any difficulty believing it, just that they would even CONSIDER it!
Ya don't go to a whorehouse to get a library card to check out the Playboy's just for the articles.
I was shocked .
I still keep a print of the page off the U N website at the time, that lists the Watchtower Society as a N G O , right between "Women Wainwright House War and Peace Foundation" and "Wellstart International".
I had already made up my mind that the Society was wrong doctrinally,and I was using all the internet sites, but I had never dreamed that they would be so dishonest.
When I think back to the days when I was conducting Congregation Book Studies in the "Revelation book" and I repeated that stuff in good faith to the unsuspecting followers, but all the time they were hand in glove with the "Scarlet Coloured Wild Beast" itself
They were so cock sure about the "World council Of Churches" endorsing the League of Nations in 1919, well I think this was worse and they claimed to be so different.......
So, what do you call a religion that does this? To call the Watchtower a whore is to pay it a high compliment, as no skanky crack whore would ever sell themself so cheap - for a library card!
It was slightly disturbing to me (I was a doubting JW when I found out), but I didn't find it nearly as hypocritical as some ex-JWs do who make it out as if the Society wanted to influence decisions made by the UN Security Council. I actually do think the primary reason why they were involved with the UN was to use their library, although that alone is a little disturbing to a JW who was told to have nothing to do whatsoever with politics.
Matthew Chapter 18
23 ?That is why the kingdom of the heavens has become like a man, a king, that wanted to settle accounts with his slaves. 24 When he started to settle them, there was brought in a man who owed him ten thousand talents [=60,000,000 de·nar´i·i]. 25 But because he did not have the means to pay [it] back, his master ordered him and his wife and his children and all the things he had to be sold and payment to be made. 26 Therefore the slave fell down and began to do obeisance to him, saying, ?Be patient with me and I will pay back everything to you.? 27 Moved to pity at this, the master of that slave let him off and canceled his debt. 28 But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves that was owing him a hundred de·nar´i·i; and, grabbing him, he began to choke him, saying, ?Pay back whatever you owe.? 29 Therefore his fellow slave fell down and began to entreat him, saying, ?Be patient with me and I will pay you back.? 30 However, he was not willing, but went off and had him thrown into prison until he should pay back what was owing. 31 When, therefore, his fellow slaves saw the things that had happened, they became very much grieved, and they went and made clear to their master all the things that had happened. 32 Then his master summoned him and said to him, ?Wicked slave, I canceled all that debt for you, when you entreated me. 33 Ought you not, in turn, to have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I also had mercy on you?? 34 With that his master, provoked to wrath, delivered him to the jailers, until he should pay back all that was owing. 35 In like manner my heavenly Father will also deal with YOU if YOU do not forgive each one his brother from YOUR hearts.?
WTS has made mistakes, as we all do. Their judgement will be at the hand of the God they profess. However, their own scripture indictate that He will take into account how WTS and its GB have treated their fellow slaves.
Beware of sending out those from your midst as your enemy! They have the unfair advantage of not having to learn your ways!
I was absolutely shocked!
After all of the countless mind numbing 400 page books we studied on book study night where it was drilled into us that the United Nations was the Wild Beast that harlot religions consorted with, and it was also described as the "disgusting thing that causes desolation", to have them do this was absolutely flabbergasting!
Then I became angry when I remembered that we couldn't even donate a few coins to UNICEF when I was in the third grade.
It is their biggest hypocrisy, IMO.
What mostly shocked me was I hadn't heard a word about it until I started to research the JWs on the internet in 2003. And it that info had been out a long time by then. They have such a great capacity for spinning everything their way and controlling information, it's scary and kind of sad. Sad that nobody within their ranks is able to question them about anything. And they say they are not a cult?
In minimus' "reputation" thread, I talk about blatant hypocrisy.
When I first heard about the U.N./ WTBTS connection I was stunned. That type of blatent hypocrisy stung hard. It still stings. And the most maddening thing about it is that jws don't see the crux if it. They don't see how duped they are. And they don't see that wts is still involved with satans org in other ways.
My good friend Tom Talley is a master at showing how hypocritical this organization is. I wish his "schtuff" was still up. He has a way of depicting the details of such hypocrisy. If you never got to see his work, that's a shame. I'm trying to talk him into putting his links back up.
Alan, hope you saw my pm and I hope this 'survey' yields great attention.
I had decided that I would have to leave for doctrinal reasons a mere six weeks before the news broke about the UN fiasco. I had begun posting here, and was already finding out how they operated, though I hadn't bought any books at that point. I wanted to believe that they were just misguided on a few things (albeit incompatible with my newfound beliefs).
It took a couple of days for the implications to dawn on me. When they did, it felt like I'd just found out that my mum had been cheating on my dad behind his back. Given the terminology they use about the organisation being "mother", the feeling was appropriate. It removed another layer of innocence.
Those that I showed the information to displayed initial surprise, but the propaganda machine soon went into full effect, dispelling their concerns.