How the Net will reduce WTS ranks

by Seeker 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker

    Look at the example of tatoogirl333. She is studying with one of JWs. She has a study with her teacher, and then she comes here and talks about it. She learns that the WTS teaches one thing to new ones, but something else entirely to those who are already baptized. That is, they rarely give you the whole picture when you are studying, but wait until later to give you the rest of the story. Tatoogirl333 doesn't need to wait -- she's getting the rest of the story right now, and it doesn't fully match what her teacher is telling her.

    We always said that the Net would cut off growth for the WTS, for all a person would have to do once contacted by JWs is to go online and look them up. They'll get more information than they know what to do with and far more information than the WTS wants them to have. We are now seeing a perfect example of this in operation right before our eyes.

    The WTS is in trouble because of the free flow of information.

  • GodRules

    Interesting point and that is proof that Satan is also utilizing technology to bring division inside Jehovah's people. I hate that bastard!

  • JeffT

    No, it's proof that Jesus can use anything man invents to bring Him to His people.

  • Seeker

    GodRules, how can Satan be behind this when the WTS is not the true religion? The Watchtower has said that any religion that teaches lies cannot be true. The WTS does lie, so therefore....

  • GodRules

    Seeker: WTS is not the true religion. I know that, duh. The question is: who are Jehovah's people? I believe the Witnesses are and I choose to be with his people. Satan, of course, will spread lies and try to bring division to these group of faithful ones. I still hate that bastard!

  • Billygoat

    I think one only needs to look at the JW history to see who's a fraud. I don't believe that all JW's are frauds. They are like I was when I was a JW. Pretty happy and blindly following a group of people because that was all I knew. Unfortunately, ignorance was my bliss!

    Personally, I think each person should make his/her own decision regarding JW's. I don't agree with their teachings. I don't think they are all biblical - some are. And I think many of the men involved in leadership (GB/elders/MS) don't live what they preach.

    I believe that the internet is a great tool to find the truth - whatever that is. Everyone's truth may be different, but everyone has to find that out for themselves. I commend tattoogirl for questioning and her natural curiosity. I think it sad that brothers like GodRules and FredHall squelch a girl's spiritual curiosity. They don't realize that their approach is doing nothing but turning people away from their organization. But then again, I don't have a problem with that. Oh wait...good work GR and FH! Keep it up!


  • bboyneko

    I left cuz' of what I found out on the net also over the course of a year..especially what was at the watchtower observer and I saw what the world really was and finally woke up....

  • Seeker


    I also have nothing against the individual JWs, many of whom are fine persons. However, when you say:

    Satan, of course, will spread lies

    I invite you to post a new thread here every time you see a documented lie "spread" about here. This is a favorite accusation about exJWs, that they spread lies, but when you ask for specific lies, the accusers shut up. Can you point to some specific lies? If so, take it to a new thread and we can discuss it.

  • bboyneko

    [q]Seeker: WTS is not the true religion. I know that, duh. The question is: who are Jehovah's people? I believe the Witnesses are[/q]

    Does anyone else find this just a little illogical?

  • JeffT

    I too would like to know what lies I'm telling. My letter documenting what I believe to be false prophecy by the Watchtower is no circulating in cyberspace. If something in it is wrong I'm morally obligated to correct my facts.

    So far no one has told me what I need to fix.

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