How the Net will reduce WTS ranks

by Seeker 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedalus
    WTS is not the true religion. I know that, duh. The question is: who are Jehovah's people? I believe the Witnesses are and I choose to be with his people.

    So, let me get this straight -- I'll even put it into a neat little syllogism for you:

    1) Jehovah's Witnesses are not the true religion, which is the same as saying that they are a false religion.

    2) Jehovah's chosen religion is the Witnesses.

    3) Therefore, Jehovah is a god of falsehood.

    Cool! Thanks for proving what I've been saying all along, Godrules.


  • GodRules

    dedalus: twist away, dude. I love the way you twist words around.

    I said the WTS is not the true religion, it is a publishing company. Jehovah's people are those doing his will and Jehovah's Witnesses are doing just that.

    Jehovah is the God of truth and he will prove soon. Instead of arguing indefinately about the WTS and the year 1874, 1925 or 1975, try doing Jehovah's will. That is more healthful and he will bless.

    Over and out. At least for today.

  • metatron

    1874 -false prophecy
    1925 -false prophecy
    1975 - false prophecy


  • dedalus
    I said the WTS is not the true religion, it is a publishing company.

    And Jehovah's Witnesses are required to give their allegiance to that publishing company. To be a Jehovah's Witness = believing everything that the publishing company publishes:

    We resolve that we shall obey all instruction received from the Watch Tower, knowing that such proceed from the higher powers, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. We resolve to be completely obedient to the Society as the visible part of the Great Theocracy. -- Watchtower 2/1/40 p. 47.

    If we have love for Jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the Bible says, ‘believe all things,’ all the things that The Watchtower brings out. -- Qualified To Be Ministers 1955, 1967, p. 156.

    Jehovah's organization as directed by his 'faithful and discreet slave' class should influence our every decision also. How may we avail ourselves of this good influence? By doing personal research in the Bible publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society on whatever subject our decision concerns. This always proves to be a real aid in making clear to us the Bible principles involved and their application to our lives." -- Watchtower 10/15/98.

    I have just proven that being a Jehovah's Witness means obeying the "WTS," the publishing company that you claim is "not the true religion." Therefore, it follows that Jehovah's Witnesses are also false, since there is no meaningful distinction between Jehovah's Witnesses and the WTS.

    So who's twisting words now?

    Over and out. At least for today.

    Yeah, you always run away when it starts to get interesting. We'll see if you're back to face the logical implication of your post, namely, that Jehovah is a god of falsehood.


  • slipnslidemaster
    [q]Seeker: WTS is not the true religion. I know that, duh. The question is: who are Jehovah's people? I believe the Witnesses are[/q]
    Does anyone else find this just a little illogical?

    That is a typical JW apologist response. I've heard that before from Witnesses. The next part of that is that the light keeps getting brighter and brighter and we should just wait on Jehovah.


    Slipnslidemaster: "The gods too are fond of a joke."
    - Aristotle

  • Pathofthorns

    LOL@Slip Yeah, those same old standby answers... Followed closely by "where else are you going to go?" and "who else is doing the preaching work?"... ha ha

    If there is any doubt of mind control, it's proven by the unity of their mindless replies.


  • bboyneko

    SAID IN UNITY..ready all together now..

    "Remember who taught you the truth"

    "There is no other religion on earth that has as much unity and love"

    "Even if it's wrong, it's still the most morally correct way to live"

    "What do you expect? They are imperfect men! Even moses erred at times but God still used him"


    "The light keeps getting brighter and brighter and brighter and brigher and dimmer and brighter again and sometimes we must travel in a zig zag course to arrive at our desitination like tacking in ship navigation..."

    "If you come across any literature from species 9472, burn it on sight...literature from worldy fluidic space is radioactive and will kill you"

    "We're Jehovahs witnesses.....we speak out in fearlessness..ours is a bla bla bla bla resistance is futile"

  • peterstride

    LOL had me laughing on the floor! LOL

    You're right on the money on that one!!!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • JT

    God rules says:
    WTS is not the true religion. I know that, duh


    This is truly a very powerful statement for it shows just how well conditioned the avg jw like godrules truly is

    now just stop and think about the implications of this statement

    every single doctrine , policy, and procedure that this poor jw has every read was written and published by the WT society

    which means if they are not publishing the truth then where does that put all the folks who follow it's every dogma, policy and procedure

    this is truly a wonderful post in that here we have supposely a real jw who admit that the wt doesn't have the truth

    now that is simply amazing how he fails to get the connection between what the Publishing arm teaches and what the avg jw beleives

    now that is sad


  • Flip
    And Jehovah's Witnesses are required to give their allegiance to that publishing company. To be a Jehovah's Witness = believing everything that the publishing company publishes:

    Perhaps I look at the above a little differently, dedalus.

    To be a Jehovah’s Witness = one must act as if they believe everything that the publishing company publishes.

    Just what an associate of the WTBTS Corporation believes is redundant because it’s impossible for “management” to verify, in spite of what is published.

    The reality is, how one performs for the Corporation is the only visible measure of Jehovah’s Witnesses as the degree of their subjection to the Corporation.

    Belief, if at all, is the last thing actually on the mind of a Jehovah’s Witness, appearance is the first and the WTBTS has designed the two concepts to be used interchangeably.


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