yah they like to base that on Daniel 4 . The seven times 360 that is then counted from 607 BCE to 1914 CE . Most historians think the babylonian captivity began in 587 CE but the WTBTS likes to cling to 607 BCE. That's another thing we discuss around here big time is the appointed gentile times and at what time the restoration for pure worship was initiated . It's all a matter of opinion .
Does God speak directly to GB today?
by Bambie 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
JW Ben
RE: "Inspiration" and "spirit directed" .
Some one posted a lot of quotes about being spirit directed.
What does this Spirit directed mean as opposed to inspirtation?
Inspiration or bring an inspired Bible writer is haveing an angel or a dream bring a messaege that "comes from God" Those that beleive the Bible to be the inspired word of God will accknowledge that the Bible writteres had such a form of communication when writting their part.
WE (JW's) earnestly beleive that the whole of the Bible has been produced is under inspration. The Bible is the only book that gives us Gods thoughts on matteres. Some of his thoughts are as direct laws.... eg do not kill, fornicate, steal, lie, etc . Those things were comon back then as the are today. Then there are Bible principles that are harder to find about matteres that did not excist in the days that the Bible was written ... e.g... smoking... christmas... and verious "moral" issues.
When our society changes and different things become prevalent, eg the mini skirt of the late 60's early 70's the Bible principles on modesty were more fully explored to give council to the congregation.
Sex in the marriage arangment. I have read here and other places how the differing views on what is acceptable in the marriage bed and what was not have upset some. The GB has altered their view slightly on this. I have several times taken the time to read the various articles that were published. The principles that they applied made sense in the early articles and the slightly different principles in the latter. Even in the early articles where certain aspects of sex was discouraged, (if you read the reasions why it was discouraged they made sense based on bible principles.) it was not out right forbiden, but left up to the individual couple, and the coucil was given that each couple should respect the wishes of their partner and not force a partner to do something that they were not comfortable with.
Some JWs did not read the information carefull and this caused problems.
The same goes with transplants. The attitude has changed with that as well. If you read the original aspects on why the GB felt thast transplants were not acceptable the principles that they give I personally find correct. Still at this time I would not have a transolanr personally but would allow it for others with no problem. I still agree with the original principles. And, I agree that it becomes a matter of conscience as was later pointed out after more study of the Bible and the principles involved.
There are also the applications of Bible prohpecy that some try to explain.
So how are these dealt with.
As we beleive the whole Bible is inspired of God and beneficial fro teaching and setting things straight, then by keeping to the Bible we are being directed by holy spirit.
The Bibles explanations of things was not given to any one over night. The apostles had a long learning curve, and made many mistakes, even in the case ofPeter making a wrong application of words utered by Jesus , and made a wrong "prediction"
By using the Bible as their guide and by striving to come to an understanding of words used by the original writters it is said that they are spirit directed because the Bible was spirit inspired. e. the meaning of parousia some translators put it as comming, but then one translator put it as precence. AN examination showd that the word originally meant presence. I suppose the latest explanation was the word "generation" The Bible writters had a couple of usages for this word. The first usage that was used was the one about a generation being 70 or 80 years. A closeer examination of the way Jesus used it showed that it probaberly had a different meaning so in the 1999 or there abouts the meaning of the word generation as used by Jesus was adjustered to fit in with the way Jesus used it.
Personally, I do not care one way or the other about the meaning. JWs do not have to ridgedly stay by the meaning as is presented. Whether it means 70 or 80 years of the "new" way the GB feels it means is not imprtant to serving God. The explanation I see as comming from a more dillagent searching, and both are within the meaning of the Bible. (I never could accept the first one as presented in the WT eg being about 10 Y.O to understand in 19914, I always took it at 70 or 80 years from 1914, that did not fit Bible chronology, and the second one seems more plausable to me. Personally I do not care if Armagedon does not come for another 100 years, it want change my mind as to what Jehovah expects form me in the way of worship)
So why make such claims?
Because, people are generaly interested in what different Bible passages mean and will seek explanations. Most of us do not have the time or the resources to do the research. The men that allow themselves to be put in the possition of responsability do have have the time and the resources to dig deeper into the hidden meanings, and to rovide possible explanations.
Personally I can see the human elements in the organisation just as there were very clear human eliments in the lives of the Bible writters. I expect the GB to make mistakes just as many annointed men through the Bible made mistakes.
The reason of my staying a JW is the basic Bible truths. All the other things are explanations and do not affect salvation, but add colour to Gods word.
BAsically when the GB are following Bible principles and using only the Bible as the source of their staetments, I see that as being "spirit directed" because the Bible was spirit "Inspired".
JW Ben --- I hope one day you see the light and realize that the monstrosity known as the WTBTS is not the truth and you are wasting your time trying to defend them around here . The way you make it sound is that it's ok for them to lie to you and that it's Gods will for you to be subject and obedient to an organization that has no accountability . They even try to bully their crap on people of interest even if it's obvious they are wrong through intimidation and character assassination . BTW there are only 2 laws .
JW Ben: As we beleive the whole Bible is inspired of God and beneficial fro teaching and setting things straight, then by keeping to the Bible we are being directed by holy spirit.
And where policy goes beyond what is written? Is that spirit directed, JW Ben?
The Governing Body does not claim spirit inspiration. The Faithful and Discreet Slave does not claim spirit inspiration.
So where do the rules which are not Bible based come from? Where does the rule of reporting field activity come from? That is not essential to the sharing of the good news. Where does the phrase "inactive publisher" originate from? Certainly not the Bible. Is that spirit directed, too? Where is hypnotism even addressed in the Bible? Yet, you can get disfellowshipped for willingly undergoing hypnosis.
Where their teachings, rules, and discipline go beyond what is written they prove themselves presenters of inspired expressions that do not originate with God. (1 John 4:1) They prove themselves to be false prophets.
OldSoul -
JW Ben: The Bibles explanations of things was not given to any one over night. The apostles had a long learning curve, and made many mistakes, even in the case ofPeter making a wrong application of words utered by Jesus , and made a wrong "prediction"
News to me. Mind sharing where Peter made his wrong prediction? As an Apostle, mind you. Post-Pentecost 33 C.E.
Not only that but as I stated in my last post they consider themselves to be exclusive as far as understanding the bible because they are "anointed" so don't anybody else try to read it on their own or form their own interpretations because what the WTBTS has to say is all there is to it . If you spot a falsehood you are condemned for voiceing it and stating the WT is wrong on any of it . It's all a bunch of mind control .
If he did then it should be documented for legal reasons when and where this communication took place.
For instance: there would be some entry in a journal or diary which would say: "on the 10th day of March in the year ____ the lord god spoke to Brother _____
who was in the __________ room and he said _____________. And Brother ______
wrote these things down." I'm not kidding. If there were any real communication there would be such a record as this.
And I would like to meet and shake the hand of any such brother!!!
As we beleive the whole Bible is inspired of God and beneficial fro teaching and setting things straight, then by keeping to the Bible we are being directed by holy spirit.
If what you say is true, then all of us can read the Bible, follow it's teaching as we understand them, and be directed by holy spirit.