Do you think the GB should limit contact with Bethelites because of possible harm that could come to them right there at headquarters. I mean think of how many bethelites have interent access and know the GB are tyrants, but are stuck there at bethel because they have no money and no place to turn because they have been there for many years.
I think many GBs purposely keeps to themselves now a days, they probably should even think seriously of a body guard even while at bethel.
Have you notice the WT doesn't give any advance notice when a GB will be speaking at conventions anymore, could it be that they are worried that some father or other family member who lost a child through thier no blood policy, finds out throught the internet that the GB are phoneies and now blames the GB for the loss of life. Think of how dangerous it would be to give advanced notice when so and so GB member would be giving a convention talk
Men still fights wars and use violence,, and family members still seek revenge for wrongful death be it in court or physical violence. I think every GB should be very careful when in public or even there at bethel, I'm only being practical here and looking at very real possiblities.
So what are your opinions am I an alarmist?