LOL@Garry Damn thats funny as hell! Almost sounds apetizing. lol
by kls 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It took a while but I now view JWs as members of a church I don't attend.
I live in a new area now and wouldn't know an elder from a window washer .....
Good for you Jeanie. Its amazing how ingnorent and self centred some people can be. That coupled with witness logic only seems to boost their egotism. Im glad you got to tell him off, shows him that you dont need to huddle and hide when he's around.
As for me I dont fear them like I used too. I am now rather blunt and too the point with them. I see through their smoke screens and bs and call them on their claims that clearly do not coincide with biblical reasoning. Just as they claimed last time that the society said we were in the last hour. How can they claim to know we are in the last hour when the bible clearly states that no one knows the day or the hour, not even the son, only the father. Yet in their mindset they have been instructed that they are clearly and affirmatively in the final hour of armagedon's beggining. False reasoning at its finest.
I remember so long ago i thought Elders were like a God
Nope, I guess it never bother me that the elders were like God. Whenever an elder started the "holy than thou act"...I use to think of them standing in front of everybody with their underwear on.
I don't shudder nor do I fear them. I used to be one so I know they are full of doo doo. They have the same bodily functions as I do.
Gary.....................I like elders, they're delicious grilled with a little barbecue sauce.
Ok Hannibal......phht...phht...phht...phht. "Hello Clarisse."
It's funny you raise this question. Last night I was on this site for the first time in a few years and just today I ran into one of the elders who many jw's looked up to because on the surface he was kind, soft spoken and understanding. When I was a JW he was the one everyone in the circuit would seek out for help. Anyway, I was visiting my daughter in a town about 30 miles from where I live in had to go to the hardware store and there he stood on a pedestal so high I couldn't make eye contact with him. I was busy with my grandaughters so pretended I didn't know him and was as polite as I am to everyone. Thanked him for holding the door etc. Then, my husband I stopped at the local Subway for lunch and lo and behold he was in there ordering lunch. I remember how I used to think that was a sign from God, but now I just thought "coincidence" He smiled and looked at my husband and said hello. Last night I was reading on line part of the book In The Truth and I that made me feel somewhat sorry for this chap. He was born and raised a JW and doesn't know anything different. It felt good not to feel angry or degraded just because someone doesn't speak to me. Sometimes I experience what I have tagged JW PTSD and actually my shrink has confirmed it for me. Sometimes when I run into a JW I experience all of the same feelings I had when I was there....shame, guilt, not living up to whatever I'm supposed to be living up to. When I run into them I am polite but am the one not to make conversation because I don't want to drudge up all those old feelings. I kind of felt ashamed about how I used to look up to the brothers and when any of them paid attention to me that would make me feel so good. Since I didn't have a husband that was an elder or ms, I never was in the clique so it was always like Alice in Wonderland looking through the glass ceiling. By the way, for the first time in my life I am free of organizations....seems I gravitated from one to the other. Was raisied in an institution, became a jw and then was employed by a state university. I'm now born free :) I've been attending a Methodist Church for a few months but when it came time to be a member I couldn't do it. I don't ever want to belong to an organized religion again in my lifetime. I have a hard time in church screening out the messages that JW's taught, so don't read the Bible much but read other spiritually encouraging journals. Anyway, I love this site because it has given me alot of support reading other people's experiences and it helps to know I'm not alone.
Shudder at the sight of a random Elder? Nope...JW is a JW in my eyes and I pity with the Elders/COs/DOs as much as I pity the rank & file members...
Now, if it was an Elder that actually knew me when I was growing up then yes, it would be uncomfortable to see them now because they would make it uncomfortable. Myself, if they don't have a problem with being cordial and civil then I would love to bump into one just to say 'Hi' and catch up on how life is treating them...I have a problem with the JW doctrine & teachings but I still feel close to many of the friends I had growing up even if it isn't reciprocal. But I know the reaction I would get instead of "cordial and civil": it would be either a) a cold stare and then the Elder walks away, b) a curt 'hello' and subtle inquiry about my Mom's health so as to try and lay down a guilt trip, or c) a long boring conversation on why I disagree with doctrines for a religion who version of God I honestly am skeptical about now days. I don't need the stress nor bother so I would shudder not at the person but at the subsequent scenarios I just described...
Wouldnt dream of shuddering at the sight of an elder; the only time I was ever frightened of them was when I was a kid and that was because they were bigger than I was;
DB74 of 'the same size as any elder and not scared anymore' class.
I just see red and try to keep my violent fantasies in check!.