I have a question, ex-jws, have you apologized to anyone you helped get baptized? That you helped stay in the "truth"? Applying the principle to only ex-elders isn't really fair. We all were in the same belief system and we all accepted what we understood as the "truth" at the time.......Regarding some young ones who's parents overzealously tattled on their kids to the elders all the time, I've always felt bad that they had parents that would "turn them in to the elders" for every infraction and demand that they be disciplined. In some ways, the elders were victims of the Society just as much as the publishers were. We ALL had to "work with the arrangement". And many of us believed it to be God's Organization up until we saw firsthand how mere men control things. Regarding an apology, there is one person in particular that I've thought of and prayed to God over for forgiveness. We as a JC, disfellowshipped an elderly very ill woman who needed the help of her family and because (with consultation with the Society) she was getting help in moving in with her disfellowshipped "apostate" daughter, she was considered to be "casting her lot" with the "apostate". She was df'd and died in that state. If I could tell her how wrong we (I) was, I'd do it. Now though, when I do see Df'd ones I always talk to them like they are no different (as it should be).