Ex elders, have you apologized to anyone you df'd?

by avishai 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    well good for you james

    so you actually re read the chapters in the elders book before being on a j/c...you are unique

    i was on a case once where it was found that the sis who was confessing to immorality had actually been raped by a fellow worker who was driving her home

    what type of car was it...she was asked


  • under74

    I heard of an elder who once apologized to a lady I knew who got disfellowshipped because she made a stink after realizing her daughters were being molested by her (elder) second husband. BUT I didn't hear this story from the elder so I can't say if it actually happened or not.

    geez, tijkmo...what kind of car? Did they ask what she was wearing too?

  • rebel8

    Sorry. I am unavailable to respond to this thread. I'm busy throwing up at the thought of a bunch of untrained, incompetent, arrogant elders trying to get their kicks by interrogating who asked for spiritual counseling.

  • Honesty

    I never believed a JC was from God so I never have apologised to anyone because I never was privileged enough in the eyes of the Furher to be trusted with upholding WT standards. Another of the many, many reasons I am a Christian serving Jesus now instead of serving a group of apostate bastards in NY.

  • confusedjw

    Yes - while still active I had totally rethought a situation of you young guy getting drunk once and we removed him as a publisher.

    Yes - once during a JC I realized that the "investigation" (I was part of that) hadn't been complete and this brother could be innocent of the charge. So I disbanned the committee. The body was upset that I did that.

    All the rest were situations that the person really wanted to leave anyway, but of course that doesn't diminish the effect of being shunned by your family.

  • toladest

    I haven't been apoligized too, as all the elders are still in as far as I know, But....

    Without getting into a lot of detail (they are inactive but not DFed dub's) Someone I know that brought a lot of families into the lie was recently speaking to me and was VERY sorry for that. This former elder held a lot of guilt over it. He was also very sorry for NOT pushing to DF someone (a child molester) when he had the chance. He was sorry that he DFed so many for such minor things as smoking but just towed the line on the molester case.

    He is a really nice guy that was very misled.....

  • Shania

    I know an elder that did. The family truly appreciated it and are no longer in the JWs.

  • skyman

    I think alot of you for saying what you did about the poor sister. My mother inlaw made a mistake. She felt when she was in the Judgment room that she was also raped by the PO. He ask all the same very detailed questions. I have allways thought this man was perverted. If the PO would have not be so horny that night my mouther in law would have not felt so violated. She would have had her wits about her and she would not have been DF. My father in law forgave her completely so I felt after that she should of been dealt with kindness. She never had to tell anyone. That should of mattered to the PO if you ask me. They had to move because she could no longer look at the PO knowing he was a true perve.

  • minimus

    I have a question, ex-jws, have you apologized to anyone you helped get baptized? That you helped stay in the "truth"? Applying the principle to only ex-elders isn't really fair. We all were in the same belief system and we all accepted what we understood as the "truth" at the time.......Regarding some young ones who's parents overzealously tattled on their kids to the elders all the time, I've always felt bad that they had parents that would "turn them in to the elders" for every infraction and demand that they be disciplined. In some ways, the elders were victims of the Society just as much as the publishers were. We ALL had to "work with the arrangement". And many of us believed it to be God's Organization up until we saw firsthand how mere men control things. Regarding an apology, there is one person in particular that I've thought of and prayed to God over for forgiveness. We as a JC, disfellowshipped an elderly very ill woman who needed the help of her family and because (with consultation with the Society) she was getting help in moving in with her disfellowshipped "apostate" daughter, she was considered to be "casting her lot" with the "apostate". She was df'd and died in that state. If I could tell her how wrong we (I) was, I'd do it. Now though, when I do see Df'd ones I always talk to them like they are no different (as it should be).

  • LittleToe

    I have the dubious honor of never having DF'ed anyone.

    I've apologised to folks that I've shunned, and who I helped along the way to a drone mindset, though.

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