Your Struggle in the Truth.......

by ScoobySnax 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Mine was being gay.....and it was a huge load to carry...... (another story)

    What was your struggle?


  • Honesty

    Trying to reconcile the conditional love displayed by the JW's compared to the unconditional love of Jesus.

  • Junction-Guy

    How about just longing to have a normal life and a normal family without the meddling influence of the WT Society.


  • Satanus

    My big struggle in truth was getting free of the wt indoctrination. I was raised in it since i can remember, having it's fears instilled in me. Then there were the painful beatings after the meetings. Overturning the power structure that was built up in my mind. Then after that was the other huge monstrosity - the bible, it's gods, apocalypticism. It seems truth's biggest challenge is having false structures excavated from over it. But, that wasn't what you meant, was it?


  • EvilForce

    Mine was also being gay....although not being gay with Scooby. I haven't even seen him naked yet....LOL

    I would not want to demean anyone's experience with the Dub's but I can say that being gay really, really made my life suck. I hated myself. I hated that I was gay. I hated that I wasn't good enough for God to change me. I tried. I prayed.

    But after enough self hatred and what not I love who I am, what I am, and who I sleep with. I think being gay is easier than being straight after 25 years of age....assuming you are no longer in "da troof".

  • kls

    Mine was that it just didn't make any sense to me . All would be killed but not me or other jws because we were just and as long as we lived the jw way we would see paradise. The other thing is they had a answer for everything but when they could not think of the answer you were told to leave it up to JAH. It was just everything had to many holes in it and if something sounds to good to be true ,it probably is and it was.

  • ScoobySnax

    Can you remember sitting in the hall and feeling like you wanted to do so right, and yet feeling so small? I do.

    I loved the brothers and sisters, but I knew they'd maybe not love me if they knew what I was. They were very kind to me all the time, but I always felt like I was decieving them, I always felt like a fraud.

  • kls
    I loved the brothers and sisters, but I knew they'd maybe not love me if they knew what I was.

    You mean a feeling human . No i guess they would not understand .

  • ScoobySnax

    They were human too KLS. I just think some of them wanted to reach out like I did, but . Well thats it "but"

  • DanTheMan

    I hated d2d. I mean, I really hated d2d. I am *not* a salesman. Approaching perfect strangers in their own homes, people who I had no clue about as to their life experiences and motivations, and trying to sell them a religion that I had my own nagging doubts about. It stressed me like you wouldn't believe. And I felt so damn guilty about that. And the smallness and pettiness of the JW's I was often with didn't help matters.

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