Your Struggle in the Truth.......

by ScoobySnax 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls
    They were human too KLS.

    I am taking human emotion that they judge others by. Them knowing you are Gay they would have no emotion except to show their emotion of turning their back.That is how they show their emotional love.

  • hartstrings

    Mine was my strong social, extraverted personality. Not good when you have nobody "good enough" to associate with you. LOL! I am still very bitter about not being able to have a normal childhood, no dating, no sports, no slumber parties...

  • ScoobySnax

    It stressed me out something chronic too Dan.............but when I was in the "Truth" like the preverbial JW, when just one person listented or took the magazines, I used to come home happy that 1 had listened out of all the others. Don't you remember that?

  • DanTheMan

    No, because I was too chicken-shit to call back on them. More guilt

    And more often than not I thought the magazines were reeeally dopey.

  • ScoobySnax

    KLS..... I just can't get into that mindset, that all JWs are "bad" I bet even in your old congregation there are some you still miss. Maube I'm wrong, I don't know. I went to different congregations too, and on the whole, bar a few exceptions, saw on the whole a good lot of people.

    Now if they on the whole would have accepted me being gay? No I'm sure they wouldn't have, unless they knew me personally, then maybe they would have. Collectively they would have tried to have corrected me in my "thinking" I'm sure. And.....

  • ScoobySnax

    Dan...I was too chicken shit too.........LOL

  • Satanus

    Try to push your thoughts a little further, scooby. I know it's painful, but....


  • Satanus

    it may help you to see the logical conclusion.

  • kls
    KLS..... I just can't get into that mindset, that all JWs are "bad"

    Bad ? no they are not all bad but the problem is they cannot open their own minds and think outside the box (W T ). Like a person leaving the BS of the WT ,instead of seeing the person for who they are they see that person as discust in their eyes.

  • Junction-Guy

    Scooby, to me its not about whether they are good or bad people, I have known many decent polite JW's, Some of my JW family are very good people, but I totally despise the WT Society for meddling into people's lives and guiding them onto a path of poverty by denying the children a chance to get a college education. I despise the WT Society for many,many, other things too. I dont hate Jehovah's Witnesses, I dont even hate my Dad (Elder), My grandma is a pseudo-JW and I love her to pieces, but I hate the WT Society with every breath in my body.


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