Did a man called Jesus Christ walk the earth?

by stillajwexelder 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DevonMcBride

    No, I do not believe the historical Jesus walked the earth anymore than I believe Zeus, Osiris, Dionysus and Mithra walked the earth. Most of Jesus' biography was plagiarized from ancient pagan gods.

  • fairchild
  • PopeOfEruke



  • AlmostAtheist
    Most of Jesus' biography was plagiarized from ancient pagan gods.

    Those similarities make it harder to buy, but I also have to believe that somebody was the basis for those stories. As Nark mentioned, I would guess the actual guy would be surprised to find the stories now being told about him. "I said WHAT!??! I never said that! Raised the dead? I don't know, I guess maybe. But I think I'd remember something like that..."


  • fairchild
    I would guess the actual guy would be surprised to find the stories now being told about him. "I said WHAT!??! I never said that! Raised the dead? I don't know, I guess maybe. But I think I'd remember something like that..."

    OMG, you SO crack me up, Dave. That was way too funny.

  • Terry

    Jesus Christ is not an assertion, is he?

    Define "assertion":

    a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary).

    Jesus Christ is not a conjecture, is he?

    Define "conjecture":

    A conjecture is statement that is arrived at without reliance on deductive reasoning. That is, it is largely an educated guess. The word conjecture is approximately the mathematical equivalent of the word hypothesis that is used throughout the sciences. The distinction is that in the sciences a hypothesis is generally a statement that is designed to be tested empirically while a conjecture is often based little evidence and is rarely able to be tested directly.

    Jesus Christ is not an historical figure, is he? After all, there are no historical (as opposed to hagiographic) documents to attest to his existence. (Please don't trot out that tired citation of Josephus. Have you ever read it? No, I didn't think so.)

    Jesus is a myth long in the making in many nations, tribes and tongues finally embodied in the invention of one man: Saul (Paul) of Tarsus.

    Homer gave us Ulysees. Paul gave us Jesus Christ.

    Christianity has little to do with a man; any man named Jesus. It has everything to do with a man named Paul.

    The bulk of Christian religion is the quoting of Paul.

  • Kenneson

    Isn't it strange how few follow Ulysses today? But there's something about Jesus that Ulysses ain't got. I believe in Jesus because He isn't just someone I read about by Paul or what the Book says about Him. I believe in Jesus because I have had a personal encounter with him. I don't need Paul or Bible writers to tell me about him. I know that I know that I know that He is for real. I met Him in the spiritual realm, but if you've never been there or experienced Him, you have no idea what I'm talking about it and sure don't expect you to believe me. And that's alright. People's unbelief doesn't make me disbelieve. I just pray that they can reach a point in their lives where they too can say "Lord, I believe. Only help my unbelief." I know because I was at that stage once.

  • LoverOfTruth

    I believe Jesus is the son of God (and a Great Teacher). I also believe we are children of God.

  • outoftheorg

    Yeah, what Fairchild said, I guess, sigh.


  • PointBlank

    Yes, he did. And what's more, He still lives. I know, because like Kenneson, I've met Him.

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