Did a man called Jesus Christ walk the earth?

by stillajwexelder 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    Did a man called Jesus Christ (English) walk this earth. If so was he an Essene? Yeheshua Ben Josph (Hebrew) Iesous Christos (Greek) or Iesus Nazerenus (Latin)?

    I believe he did - not quite sure if I believe he was the son of God. A great teacher and healer yes probably

  • DazedAndConfused

    My belief is that he did indeed walk the earth. Do I believe that he was the son of God? Not necessarily. Part of my thoughts on this is based on the thought that possibly he was here and fit the description but was not necessarily the right person. Am I making any sense? LOL

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Yes, I believe Jesus is the Christ, that he walked the earth 2,000 years ago, AND that He is the Son of God.

  • DazedAndConfused

    DoubleEdge, just an inquiring question. Why do you believe that?

    As you know many of us are on a quest to heal and some are here to believe in something. Something that has been ingrained in us not to do by the WTBTS. I am only asking to get more info.

  • the_classicist

    I believe that Jesus Christ walked the earth. His life was recorded and passed down to us orally by the apostles to their disciples who wrote it down (except by St. John, who was himself the author). These apostles spread the Gospel of Christ throughout the Roman Empire. Did they lie? There doesn't seem to be much purpose in that considering that they didn't gain materially or in terms of power, they all (except for St. John, but tradition says all the Apostles were martyred) died for Christ. They must've seen truely remarkable things to give their lives for Christ when all it would've taken to save their lives would be to recant and put a grain of incesne in a fire to the emperor.

    Unlike the persecution of the WT during WWII, the rank and file of the Early Christians weren't as targeted as much as the leaders, for the Romans had the strategy of killing the shepherd and scattering the sheep while the Nazis believed in total elimination of unpatriotic groups.

  • Leolaia

    Got a time machine?

    I think that's the only way to know for sure....

  • frankiespeakin

    Look they didn't have video recorder back then and they didn't have tape recorders they just had word recorders,,so all that has to happen is a group of Jews start a religion about some long ago promised massiah and as the years go by they develope a story around this person called Jesus who was killed by the his own people, but did nothing but good all the time.

    And thier you have it a written record to support a religion which seeks to control others.

  • the_classicist
    Got a time machine?

    I think that's the only way to know for sure....

    I agree, I'm not quite happy with my own agruement, but we can either totally distrust tradition, or trust it, or trust it somewhat.

  • Honesty

    Before I became a JW I believed Jesus is the Son of God and died for all mankind's sins. The WTBTS took a lot from me with their false doctrines and practices but that is one thing they could never take away. Now that I am a Christian, I understand what it really means to worship with spirit and truth. Knowing who Jesus really is and what His death and resurrection means for the human race has set me free from one of Satan's prominent religious organisations.

  • Narkissos

    I guess we'll never know for sure.

    However, any historical Jesus would most probably have little in common with the mythical and literary character who is the object of any Christian faith.

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