Do you ever think that you will stop JW-bashing and get on with your life?

by booker-t 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Bradley (logansrun), Since you've had a "reconsideration of sex" after all these years of confusion, I think I'll wait a few more years til you have a "reconsideration of what JW bashing is".

    You should have caught up with the rest of us by then.


  • patio34

    What a biased, loaded question. It seems to be like "have you stopped beating your wife?"

    This question presupposes criticism is bashing and that it stops one from living his life, as if it were mutually exclusive. Sorry, most of us are complex enough to do both, if we choose!


  • EvilForce

    I would even go so far to say that many JWs have a much greater quality of life than some "apostates." The truth (small t) hurts, doesn't it? As a general rule, the "louder" the apostate, the more likely they are psychologically disturbed and miserable.

    Sorry Logan but I disagree....after 15 years of not saying anything nor's finally nice to make fun, poke fun, and even rant for a little bit. As with all things they too shall run their course. But maybe you are just missing your own "quality of life" in the Dub borg? If that's the case why be here? Run back...return to the vomit.


  • jaffacake

    I think Raymond Franz said it best in the intro of Crisis of Conscience:

    He first quotes the Watchtower of January 15, 1974: When persons are in great dangr from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning?

    He then goes on to write from the heart:

    Life is uncertain and when he dies what he knows dies along with him - unless he passes it on while still in life. What this book contains is written out of a sense of obligation to people whom I sincerely love. In all good conscience I can say that its aim is to help and not to hurt. If some of what is presented is painful to read, it was also painful to write. It is hoped that the reader will recognise that the search for truth need never be destructive of faith, that every effort to know and uphold truth will. instead, strengthen the basis for true faith. What those reading this information will do with it is, of course, their own decision. At least it will hav been said, and a moral obligation will have been met.

  • diamondblue1974

    Good point Jaffa...excellent quote.


  • LittleToe


    I would even go so far to say that many JWs have a much greater quality of life than some "apostates." The truth (small t) hurts, doesn't it? As a general rule, the "louder" the apostate, the more likely they are psychologically disturbed and miserable.

    If you genuinely believe that, maybe you should try going back for a while with your opened eyes. You'd get a taste for what "truly miserable" can be.

    There's no regurgitating the "red pill".
    Some days reality sux, but certainly no more than the different set of variables in the WTS.

  • LouBelle

    For me it's not about "to bash or not to bash" I've kinda recently just left the whole borg behind, & am finding out about the lies - so it's more of being floored and expressing my disgust at this borg that I put so much of my life/time/energy into.

  • MegaDude

    I don't consider this a website that bashes the JWs, but rather a place that offers information and insight to help people. It takes time to break the mental constructs you build up in the Watchtower. Some people do this quickly, and some more slowly. This site is full of people to give you encouragement, information, or just some cyber hand-holding when you're dealing with the hard jolt that waking up from the Watchtower Matrix entails. When your entire life gets turned upside down, isn't it great to have a few people who have already been there say, "You'll be okay. You're on the right track. The same thing happened to me! This is what I did. This was why I left." It can really speed your exit, your healing, from the Watchtower.

    I think most of us would like to make something positive from our time in the cult and this place is it. What could be more satisfying than reaching out a helping hand to a person who is just beginning to question the Watchtower and needs a helping hand to gain independence from a religious cult? Is that considered bashing? Only if you're shallow minded.

    We are all different people. For some people their best way to recovery from the cult experience is to put it completely behind them and put it out of their mind and their life forever. Others have the ability to process the JW experience and still reach out to others and not have it bring them down. Whatever works best for you, do it. There is no one-size-fits-all path we should all take.

    I met a lawyer a couple of years ago who has been in AA over 24 years! 24 years! I asked him why he kept on going to meetings. He said he loved the people there, they were great guys and he enjoyed helping others. He's been alcohol free that entire time and doesn't need to go meetings for himself, but this guy is full of enthusiasm and happiness in helping others in the same spot he was once in.

    My aunt on the other hand is also an alcoholic. She tried helping others in AA but told me it dragged her down and she found it draining. She said the people just sapped her and depressed her. She wants nothing to do with it anymore. For her she will have a better quality of life if she just puts it behind her.

    So there ya go. Whatever works for you. But to narrowly categorize what people do on this website as merely "JW bashing" is simplistic and silly.

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