being a baby dub in the 70's

by katiekitten 87 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LittleToe

    Don't get me started on animations like "G-Force" and what was that puppet one with "Commander Macarra", a precursor to "Transformers"?

  • 95stormfront
    I was praying no-one from school would see me with this bunch of misfits.

    Hell......I worked and lived in the "service area" of my employer and I would've been mortified if I'd ran into someone I worked with or a customer I'd helped out when I was a JW.

    Eventually I just quit worrying by not going.

  • katiekitten

    I liked G force in an odd sort of way.

    I loved the short cartoon just before the 6 o clock news (Rhubarb and Custard, Will O The Wisp, Padington Bear, The Wombles), but at the same time it made me real sad, because it was the last 5 minutes before enforced boring crap TV that you had to watch because your mum and dad wanted to have bible prophecy confirmed by the news every bleedin night.

    The news was like one long 'aint it awful' vindication of how much we needed Jehovah to come as save us from the drug dealers and prostitutes.

    Sad thing was, when I left the troof and was looking for some drugs and people to shag I couldnt find any! Either my cloistered life had made an indelible mark on my forehead - 'naieve nerdy woman - keep well clear', or worldly people just werent as worldly as I had been hoping.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Amen sister, we were GROSSLY mis-informed about worldly people. They turned out to be dissapointingly unpromiscuous in my experience.


  • tijkmo

    wow katie what a debut (ok strictly speaking not ya debut but close enough..whats the opposite of penultimate)...i was laughing my socks off (and i like my socks)

    i used to get the cricket stump, the ruler, the wooden spoon

    i could handle them..i learned early doors that to cry quickly ended it sooner...none of this boys dont cry nonsense...i had a brain..use it

    the worst was the talk before about WHY it was nessecary...i was like - i know - get on with it

    then came the day the wooden spoon broke and i cried for real..(so my mother told me) because it was a symbol of their love for me and now they wouldnt

    halcyon days

  • katiekitten

    Too right. Even the married ones wouldnt shag! In fact, it turned out the only nookie I could get was from dubs ha ahah ahah ahah ahahah ha

  • Elsewhere
    Amen sister, we were GROSSLY mis-informed about worldly people. They turned out to be dissapointingly unpromiscuous in my experience.

    Amen, Amen! I was like: WTF? Where's all the poo-na-na that's supposed to be everywhere?!?!

    Turns out "worldly" people have more self-respect than the average JW.

  • katiekitten


    now youve got me remembering. My dad always used to give me the talk because its showed it was measured discipline, and not just beating the crap out of me.

    He said to me once 'what if one of your dollies did...(whatever it was I had done)'. Weeeelllll I was such an honest little girl, even though I could see where it was going I had to truthfully admit I would smack her bottom (I was only 4 or 5 so probably more realistically I would have smashed her plastic head against the table, but I just didnt dare say that did I?)

    So I got a smacked bottom.

    30 years later I learned to lie with style.

  • iggy_the_fish


    Pity we didn't meet way back when, we could have *ahem* done each other a favour


  • AnnOMaly

    Hey katiekitten, you have one helluva talent for writing. I'm in stitches. Did you ever see/read 'Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit?'

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