What? So Korah gets rez now? What about me? I'm an apostate too....

by IP_SEC 40 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • M.J.

    Here's an interesting story on the subject: (http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/smcdownlds/chap09.html)

    "From about 1954 to 1965 the Society taught that Adam, Eve, Cain, the inhabitants of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the antediluvian world would not be resurrected. But now [1970s] the Society says (I always think I sound like 'Simon Says' whenever I say that) – the Society says merely that Adam and Eve won't be resurrected. What was the reason for this change?"

    "We recognized from Scripture," Richard responded, "that those of Sodom and Gomorrah would be there on judgment day. We know the unrighteous will be brought back to life, and so we can't say who will or won't be there. But we know Adam and Eve won't be because they were perfect beings. It's a much more serious matter for a perfect being to sin. We have the excuse of our inherited imperfection. But their sin came from their own initiative since they were perfect."

    "So," Arthur clarified, "the change came from an understanding that a perfect person is responsible for his sin to the point of meriting the 'second death', whereas an imperfect person isn't responsible to that point because they have inherited sinful tendencies?"

    "Yes, that's right," Richard responded.

    "And is anyone perfect today?"

    "Not hardly. Mankind is growing less and less perfect."

    "And will anyone be made perfect before Armageddon?"

    "Not on this earth."

    "So the unbelievers and wicked people at Armageddon will be imperfect just as they are today?"


    "Then will they be responsible for their sin to the point of meriting the second death?"

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