If The Elders Wanted To Disfellowship YOU, What Action Would YOU Take?

by minimus 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Min- xcellent thread, as usual!

    I have thought of this myself, as you say, just in case.

    Although I agree with most that I consider they [the elders] have no authority any longer in my life- but I would not consider it giving my power away to them by acknowledging the request. Rather, my concern as a successful 'fader' would be at this point to maintain that status if possible. Not due to considering that being Df'd or not being Df'd really means anything to me - it doesn't. But it does mean something to some persons that I love and might on occasion wish to associate with. So from that perspective I do care. At least at this point.

    If it appears that Df'ing will happen to me - then I would do this; I would tell the elders nothing about how I think or what I know about the 'truth' at this point. I would delay for a couple weeks, stating that I might prefer to DA myself, that I need to give that some thought, and would like to prepare a letter to the BOE to that effect. Set up a date to do so with the JC, shake hands to maintain the peace and to keep them from DA'ing me until they get the letter. Then write a letter to all the persons I love in the congregation, stating tactfully [to prevent it from just hitting the trashcan before they read it] that I have discovered some things that I cannot ignore, confirmed them, and have now elected to withdraw and serve God privately, and remain Christian. I would state heartfelt regret that the organization feels a need to put me out due to my use of conscience, but that is what it seems will happen, and I wanted them to know before any announcement is made in the KH. Restate my friendship with the person individually, and let them know that should any doubts arise [better wording than that I suppose] I would welcome them to my home and life at any time. I understand that as witnesses they will feel obliged to 'shun' me, but hope that they recognize that such is not really deserved when one leaves due to a crisis of conscience.

    I would then send those letters and do all I could to delay or postpone the JC meeting. If they go ahead and DF me I would have covered the bases I wanted to, and hope that good human qualities of those I know and love will eventually cause some to knock at my door, and I could share the 'truth about the truth' with them.


  • cyber-sista

    I like your style Jeff,

    I agree that what would hurt about being Dfd is that it would hurt others in my family. I like the idea of writing a level headed letter to friends and family if you know that your Dfing going to happen. Instead of lashing out, which would cause them to agree with the WTs Df-ing decision, calmly state the facts, confirm your love for them and behave as a decent human being. This may speak many more volumes than whatever dirt you have on the WT Org, which most who are still involved in the Org won't hear anyway.

    Thanks Jeff--good points,


  • Krista

    Although I have never been baptized myself I already know what I would do.....NOTHING.

    My self respect and pride would not allow me to answer to any man/men. I would not like it since I am still having a bible study and I have most of my family in the WTS but I would stay away and say nothing if told to stop coming or to answer for my behavior/beliefs ect.


  • TooOpinionated

    Well, I just sent off a red-hot letter today. I had every intention of making a thoughtful, kind one, but I woke up in a "mood", and since I wanted to put it in today's mail, it was sent without any second thoughts. My husband approved, so that is really all that matters to me.

    I wonder how this particular elder will like it when he reads that "he is no more appointed by God than a tree stump."

  • zulukai

    I've been out so long I doubt they would come after me. From what we all know about this fake religion, thank God we're out. It always made me sneer that glaringly under-educated men with no training in how to deal with people, no credentials WHATSOEVER can come to your home and like a dumbass parody of The Three Stooges stand there and talk to you as if they are the MAN. Come to think of it most of them ARE stooges!! LOL Garybuss on the first page of this topic nailed it when he said the dubs have each other for enemies. The only persecution I ever saw was right in the KH. And reading in "A Crisis of Conscience" of the horror that the WTBTS engineered in Malawi against their own followers over the same issue they winked at in Mexico gave me heartache. If they need to be sued I'm all for that....I think a time of reckoning is coming for that slag of a religion and an avalanche of lawsuits is just what they need. If JH made a "typo" over our favourite word I think it should be adopted : "disfellowSHIT" it is!

  • minimus

    like Nebuchadnezzar?

  • Mary

    Certain laws of the land prevent me from detailing what I would do but I guarantee you: it wouldn't be pretty.

  • minimus


  • zulukai

    Krista , you aren't a witness, are having a study, have family in the Borg and know it's a pile of crap??? Then luv, I have one thing to say to you: ' RUN, FORREST.............RUUUUUUNNNNNNN!!!!!

  • Gozz


    nice plan. Only that when some elders get hold of the letter, they'd know you've read Ray Franz's book, or consider it proof enough: you're a confirmed apostate, haha. :)

    Nice plan. I care about many people on the inside too; those who'll be obliged to shun me as an article of their faith; they can't yet see, but I'll not burn any bridges myself; I won't even give the elders any help in burning my bridges; I'll make it difficult for them. One thing, I don't want to get disfellowshipped; but they'll probably disfellowship me soon, for a reason I wouldn't mind being disfellowshipped for; that day comes quickly. If the elders called, I'll do what's always worked: "... brothers, thank you for your love and attention, I am studying still, and continue to seek Jehovah for guidance, please continue to pray for me as I appear spritually weak also at this time..." that, plus some Theocratese... one of the elders will invite for field service the next Saturday when he remembers I'd not been out in Service for over 4 years; I'll say to check my schedule and get back; I never do. He'll invite for the meeting, I'll mumble sth about trying to come, and then not make it. With some luck, they'll be too guilty to pursue the matter until next year.


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