I'm an agnostic. I'll give you my reasons why:
With the standard belief/faith in the clasical term of 'God'; it doesn't make any difference which one you choose. God, in the clasical way, was created by a bunch of tribes and nomads an increadably long time ago to explain why it rains, where the rain comes from, and what it means if it doesn't rain, and who's to blame. Different tribes developped different sets of rules, and the ones that worked sustained the tribes while the tribes that had the wrong rules eventually died out.
It's very easy for me to see how by following certain 'rules' a tribe could prosper, and not understanding the relationship between say washing before eating and contracting nasty bacteria, one could easily see a start to the tribal elders 'knowing Gods on their side'. This started in a very small way but grew to very stong religious practices. And still does. From witch doctors in Hoduras, Voodoo in Haiti, and Demonized art work for the JDubs.
The roots are very simple. Following rules that made the tribe survive became proof of Gods hand. And it still does.
ALL religious practices and beliefs stemmed from this. ALL OF THEM, WITHOUT QUESTION.
So this sounds like I'm an athiest.
Well no. I can entertain the possibility that there are entities somewhere, that if visited us here would be Gods. By comparison.
Maybe they'll never visit, but, they could still be there.
Maybe they already did, and created life here as a paractle joke. Who knows?
All I know is I'm not prepared to live my life like that. I'm not going to follow the rules of Mesolithic sheep heerders while deciding if I going to watch the simpsons or have sex with my camel.
The morals and ethics that I've learnt from the society I grew up in seam to do me just fine. I can alter them slightly if I choose, however, I know history has brought us thus far with the basics of them.