I'm curious about your notion of atheists being accountable, to society and to oneself.
Yes, society does hold us responsible for our actions with laws and consequences for disobedience to those laws. Also, society does expect us to conform to certain cultural norms that are considered expected acceptable behavior (eg. Saluting the flag, being politically correct, being racially unbiased, or at least not promoting hate literature, etc.- at least in western democracies, good etiquette, situation ethics, and so on).
But when it comes to being responsible to oneself, I am wondering how you see people who think that it's okay to be bad and selfish at the expense of one's fellow man. For example, some think it's ok to steal, just so long as you don't get caught. The sin is in getting caught. (In fact, in some societies they actually punished you for being caught, not for stealing.)
Where do you see the likes of Hitler and Stalin who are responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people, including women and children. How about cases of genocide, like Ruwanda and Bosnia? Where is the justice and accountability in all of this? The worst that could happen is the leadership at the top is put to death. Big deal!!!
And what about slavery around the world, particularly in the past? What about child abductions, torture, prostitution, and slave labour? What about the greedy men and their institutions who stop at nothing and care about nothing, destroying and polluting the very planet that sustains all life on earth?
So, a) there is no God. b) the universe is mechanical and completely indifferent c) justice is a myth because there can be no such thing as good or bad or wrong behavior. The worst guy on earth is no different than you or I or anyone else. The difference is he, more often than not, gets away with it all (for the most part). But even if he doesn't, the worst thing that can happen to him is, he dies, which we are all going to do anyway. So let's just let it all hang out and do our own thing, and to hell will everyone else. So what? Who cares? In the end, nothing matters.....not really!!!
If that's the only justice there is in this godless universe, then I don't think very much of this universe. If all the a...holes of the world, like the ones I mentioned get to live lives of luxury, fame, power and influence at the expense of everyone else, then this is a cruel and indifferent universe of the worst kind.
I would like to know how you can explain accountability in the face of all this?
Rod P.