Personally I don't see them going after long-time faders/inactive ones. Unless the local elder body has an axe to grind.
But,,,,,,,, I definitely see them weeding out current faders or newly inactive ones. I could see them saying something along the lines of 'so and so, we've missed you at some of the meetings recently. We just want to make sure that everything is ok. You know this sytem is very tough. Satan has made everything so dificult and he targets us especially. Your service and meeting attendance has really slowed down. Is there something we can help you with? We're concerned because we would hate for you to become spiritually inactive. Armageddon is coming so soon."
At this point you either have to respond to their inquiries and admit that yes you are weak but want to get better. Which they will monitor. Or tell them to slag off. In which case they will announce you as no longer a JW. If you admit to wanting help but don't respond, there will be more visits, then eventually they will write you off as no longer a jw.
Some elders are pretty good at telling the difference between a stressed out inactive person and someone who is purposely fading. Their intent will be to get purposely fading people. Pressure on family members will assist them in figuring out who is who (fader vs. weak but believer).