Oh God Why? Tell Me Why??

by LouBelle 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    LouBelle--I know what you mean. It seems like as time goes on, I am learning more about other countries and horrible attrocities that are a daily way of life for too many people on this earth. It's hard to maintain a belief in God of the Bible with so much suffering going on. Every day I wake up and I'm thankful my children and I are safe for the moment in our part of the world. Just my human, selfish feelings.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :Then there are people that are posing as family memebers of tsunami children victims & then sell them into sex slavery. One man paid $100 000 to have sex with a 5month baby.

    LouBelle, please do some research into the origins of the Bible. If you see the parallels in ancient myths with the Bible, the political climate of the time, how the Bible books were compiled, and a basic understanding of Evolution - you have to come to the conclusion that there is no caring diety as we've been told. It makes more sense, its easier to comprehend, and there really is peace in it.


  • LittleToe

    And you wonder why some people believe in hell?

    Even if you don't believe in it yourself, it's not surprising the concept was born.

    Yeah, that's it - evolution explains why someone would want sex with a 5month-old
  • doofdaddy

    I agree with so much of the above. Once we get around the idea of an all powerful parentlike god, we are left with the inescapable fact that we are gods of our own destiny. Ultimately if all were personally responsible for their thoughts and actions, the world would have real peace and security. No need of bibles commandments laws.

  • GetBusyLiving

    :Yeah, that's it - evolution explains why someone would want sex with a 5month-old

    No, evolution explains why the idea of a caring yet fickle Bible God is bullshit.


  • LittleToe

    And there is where I would have to declare you wrong - something that I don't do very often, so I hope you'll excuse me.

    Evolution explains some of the mechanisms of how we got to the complex state of life that we now see displayed around us. It doesn't touch on the subject of "God" at all - the two ideas are NOT mutually exclusive. If you think they are, then you may need to do a pile of re-reading...

    Logic explains why a "caring yet fickle bible-god" is BS

    LT, of the "believer in 'God' and evolution" class.

  • GetBusyLiving

    You're right LittleToe, point taken. I mis-phrased my reply. And and I wasn't implying that evolution explains why somebody would ever want to rape a five month old actually. My point in copying that quote was that I could never believe something so heinous would be allowed by a caring God.


  • LittleToe

    S'ok, pal, I just like to set the record straight on that score, once in a while. It cuts both ways, as the triggerword "evolution" is often anathema to "believers", when it needn't be.

    There are also more versions of "God" than the biblical variety, including the "Deists" version.

  • RunningMan

    The way I see it, if God had wanted humans to have peace, he would have....... existed.

  • Narkissos


    I suggest that, as a believer, you might have a fresh look at the book of Job (especially the poetical dialogues which are a lot deeper than the simplistic prosaic story of chapters 1--2 and 42:7ff which encapsulates them), Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) and Habakkuk...

    To me it shows that those questions are not new, that some "Bible writers" felt them just as we do, and that they had no easy answer -- actually no answer at all. Will it help? Perhaps only from knowing you are not anymore "lost" than they were.

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