Oh God Why? Tell Me Why??

by LouBelle 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    There is a similar post under 'friends' > 'Questions for agnostics and/or atheists' that you might want to read. Most of the arguments for and against the existance of god have already been discussed there. I remember as a kid I used to ask the same kind of questions; ie, why doesn't god do anything about _____? I usually got answers like "in order for there to be good, there must also be evil, just like in order to have light, there must be dark, beauty and ugliness" etc. Or what I call the copout answer: "We are mere mortals and cannot comprehend god's way of doing things" or something to that effect. One of the reasons I despise the overused cliche of "god works in mysterious ways", which is used to show how great god is whenever serendipity and happenstance make something good happen to someone. Nobody ever says that when a series of unfortunate coincidences makes someone's life fall apart though. Unless of course its 10 years later, and the person 'found jesus' because of it.

    As for god being a loving benevolent deity though...ask yourself, who did all the most horrible things to man as described by the bible? Was it satan? No, it was god. God threw Adam and Eve out of Eden for the "sin" of gaining KNOWLEDGE. (Think about that in the context of leaving JW) It was god that razed Sodom and Gomorrah because he didn't like their sexual practices. It was god that flooded the entire world because he didn't like how his little science experiment was going. It was god that caused the confusion of languages at the tower of Babel because "now no thing will be withheld from them, that they put forth their hand to do". It was god that told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, then stopped him ONLY AFTER HE HAD SHOWN HE WAS WILLING TO DO IT. It was god who directed the angel of death to kill all the first-born of Egypt. It was god who caused/allowed/used his son jesus christ to "die for our sins" (If he is all-powerful and omnipotent, why couldn't he use a different method of "saving" mankind?)

    Everywhere you look, you will see one instance after another of god causing chaos and mayhem, death and destruction. Is this the benevolent loving god that mankind is supposed to worship? I liken god to an angrly little boy with a magnifying glass and an antfarm, zapping here and frying there, as suits his whim or whenever the ants don't crawl through the right tunnels. God is like the greatest boogeyman of all time, and stories of him are used to beat bad little believers back into line.

  • Panda

    God is an idea. You need faith and belief to have a God. That means any proof of God's existence, is non-existent. Faith and belief are emotional and have nothing to do with changing the world. When human beings recognize that this life really is your only chance to make a difference; that God has no power over good or evil. Then all the superstitious rhetoric will become so much bulls***. Faith and belief are quite literally a mindset which relies on beliefs which have no evidence. No one will be able to explain God faith to you, or why you have the need to feel God.

    And I quote " There is just no evidence for the existence of God. Evolution by natural selection is a process that works up from simple beginnings, and simple beginnings are easy to explain. The engineer or any other living thing is difficult to explain -- but it is explicable by evolution by natural selection. So the relevance of evolutionary biology to atheism is that evolutionary biology gives us the only known mechanism whereby the illusion of design, or apparent design, could ever come into the universe anywhere." R.Dawkins


    You have the power to make a difference to people around you. Mentor someone in high school; volunteer to help local kids with reading in the library after school (or on vacation). Visit someone you know. Take a walk. Write a journal. Read lots a books. Join a group. Help out at a bake sale... Do the helpful stuff around you. That way you'll be better prepared to answer your own questions with proof, not poof.

  • orangefatcat

    Lou belle, I can indeed appreciate your feelings and questions, as like you I have questioned God about the Whys and what fors in this world . I too have cried seeing the what atrocities have happened to the human race. My heart sighs and cries when I see the inhumanity metted out to the Jews and many others during the world wars. And also the situation in africa and the genocide of innocent men women and children and I ask God again why? No answers yet. I am sure many of us have seen movies about the treatment of the jews in ww2 and that pig Adolph Hilter and his henchmen. it is so hard to believe that God allowed this to happen. I have questioned Jehovah many times as to please how much more will you stand back and watch what men are doing to oneanother. I have asked myself why did the WTS allow people of their religion to be persecuted and be put to death in Malawi and yet the witnesses in Mexico did not get persecuted because the WTS said it was okay to brible official. I see with my eyes that WTS has divided God. I have been sickened by it all.

    Lisa you said something that made me think, I have quoted what you said .

    Jehovah's Witnesses are blind to the suffering of people around them, blind to the suffering of the world...and so they they feel nothing, and they do nothing to help others. There is no love from them.

    and to me this is true especially with the witnesses in Malawi. And in general they are oblivious to the treatment of persons even in their own faith. They shut the door on their own fellow believers. What hypocrisy.

    ignat, my heart goes out for that dear man who watched his family die and his grandfather crucifed at age 91, oh god where is the humanity. Dear dear God don't you hear the pleas of the world and those suffering. Even today a man in california was arrested for murdering nine of his children and he committed incest and his daughters were raped beyond belief.

    The one poster who said a man paid 100,000 dollars to have sex with a 5 month old infant that man is no man that person is a pig and evil through and through and if I think anymore about it Iwill be sick to my stomach.

    Maybe Crumpet your right maybe there is n't a god at all and we have just been played for fools.

    But whatever the issue is there really seems to be no concise answer. I do believe in the evil of the devil . Some people on our earth already live in a living hell.


  • LittleToe

    I find it interesting that there's plenty of people stating that she should be free to make up her own mind and not listen to anyone, and then proceeding to tell her what to do. Very interesting...


    That means any proof of God's existence, is non-existent.

    Au contraire. It means that you can't give someone else YOUR proof, as they have to find it for themselves.

  • Billygoat
    Now that you are out, you can see the suffering around you, and it hurts. You are thawing out. You are becoming human.

    You are feeling compassion, empathy and love for fellow human beings on this planet. How it hurts to be alive... but it is better than being living dead.


    This is so true. I can't imagine what it's like for a newborn to exit the quiet, warm, safe, nurturing womb of their mother. But I imagine the painful journey into the cold, noisy, bright lights of the world are traumatizing. It's much like us that have exited a high-control group. We feel things we've never felt, we see things we've never thought were there. It's scary as hell. But the raw honesty that comes with it is something I will never ever regret experiencing. I AM ALIVE!!! I HAVE BEEN REBORN!!!

    Sometimes I imagine God in heaven, watching us exJWs with tears in his eyes. Tears of relief and excitement and fear. Just like a new parent watches their child being born.

    Thank you for reminding me what a gift I have!


  • Billygoat


    The most liberating thing about humanism for me is the personal responsibility. If I want to improve MY life or OTHER lives, it's simple. The movement is on MY shoulder.

    I don't agree with you on many topics, but this one I must say BRAVO! You are spot on, my friend. I don't think you're a Christian (?), but what a lot of people don't realize is this is the very thing that Christ taught. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF.

    Andi - of the "believing in God and evolution" humanist class

  • SixofNine

    Oh dear god, NPY's starting a placenta worshiping cult!!!

  • jschwehm

    "I can't imagine what it's like for a newborn to exit the quiet, warm, safe, nurturing womb of their mother."

    A great tragedy today is that even the womb is not safe for many infants. :(

    Jeff Schwehm


  • lv4fer

    Why does God let bad things happen. I heard the answer to this at church a few months ago. It has to be the most logical answer I've ever heard. It all boils down to free will. He gives us free will and the right to choose good or bad as demented as bad may be. He didn't set limits and he didn't say you have free will as long as you don't hurt anybody because that would truly not be free will. Man or Woman "A" has the right to choose to hurt someone or not hurt someone. The person they hurt if they choose to do the wrong thing will be hurt because "A" chooses to do something mean or bad. If God intervenes and doesn't allow the bad to happen or doesn't allow that person to choose to do the wrong thing. Than where is the free will he promised. Unfortunately we are victims of ourself. God is not to blame for bad things that happen, we humans are, we've chosen poorly and we continue to choose poorly. Impacting other people lives and hurting, sometimes killing others. He promises to make it right some day. We need to have faith that some how, he will reconcile all this. I honestly don't know how he will make all things right, but then I am not God.

  • Narkissos
    If God intervenes and doesn't allow the bad to happen or doesn't allow that person to choose to do the wrong thing. Than where is the free will he promised.
    He promises to make it right some day.

    Without stepping on "free will"?

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