There is a similar post under 'friends' > 'Questions for agnostics and/or atheists' that you might want to read. Most of the arguments for and against the existance of god have already been discussed there. I remember as a kid I used to ask the same kind of questions; ie, why doesn't god do anything about _____? I usually got answers like "in order for there to be good, there must also be evil, just like in order to have light, there must be dark, beauty and ugliness" etc. Or what I call the copout answer: "We are mere mortals and cannot comprehend god's way of doing things" or something to that effect. One of the reasons I despise the overused cliche of "god works in mysterious ways", which is used to show how great god is whenever serendipity and happenstance make something good happen to someone. Nobody ever says that when a series of unfortunate coincidences makes someone's life fall apart though. Unless of course its 10 years later, and the person 'found jesus' because of it.
As for god being a loving benevolent deity though...ask yourself, who did all the most horrible things to man as described by the bible? Was it satan? No, it was god. God threw Adam and Eve out of Eden for the "sin" of gaining KNOWLEDGE. (Think about that in the context of leaving JW) It was god that razed Sodom and Gomorrah because he didn't like their sexual practices. It was god that flooded the entire world because he didn't like how his little science experiment was going. It was god that caused the confusion of languages at the tower of Babel because "now no thing will be withheld from them, that they put forth their hand to do". It was god that told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, then stopped him ONLY AFTER HE HAD SHOWN HE WAS WILLING TO DO IT. It was god who directed the angel of death to kill all the first-born of Egypt. It was god who caused/allowed/used his son jesus christ to "die for our sins" (If he is all-powerful and omnipotent, why couldn't he use a different method of "saving" mankind?)
Everywhere you look, you will see one instance after another of god causing chaos and mayhem, death and destruction. Is this the benevolent loving god that mankind is supposed to worship? I liken god to an angrly little boy with a magnifying glass and an antfarm, zapping here and frying there, as suits his whim or whenever the ants don't crawl through the right tunnels. God is like the greatest boogeyman of all time, and stories of him are used to beat bad little believers back into line.