
by Tallyman 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    Hey Tally, tally, tally
    I have been wondering where you have been! I am with Riz, Great to see you! A few years ago we had a case in my town, where the dad of a 7 year old killed and buried her. He had the town in an uproar and thousands searching for her(including myself), because he originally said she was kidnapped. A few days later he admitted and was convicted of her murder. Cut and dry case. BUT, it took 20/20 a whole year to put the story on the air. Yes, a whole year of interviewing and taping, editing, and whatever else they get paid to do.

    Surely, this case against the org is way bigger than that smaller case I just cited. Honestly, I don't know what they do behind the scenes, but it does seem to take them awhile. I am content to sit back and wait. I am hoping the outcome will rock alot of lives, and hearts.

    Patience is a virtue, grasshopper hehe

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

  • Tallyman
    I personally do not want to see anything about this DATELINE "story" posted again, UNTIL IT IS IN CONCRETE.

    Skall, that's what I was getting at.
    Been away a while and maybe I missed something, and wondered if
    someone had something SOLID, something to chew on concerning
    this Dateline thing.

    Seems, bringing it up with nothing backing it up, is a tease.
    I heard from some over a year ago, that this jW pedophilia scandal
    was going to be exposed by the major media... "soon!" ...
    hence, my comparison to the WTPredictionMill.

    yeah these things take time and they can do the interviews,
    with their main correspondents getting a lot of face time,
    wait, add on, edit, finish, polish, and even 'have it in the can'
    as they say in show biz... but that still doesn't GUARANTEE
    it will be aired. All kinds of things could go down to squelch it.

    Time, Effort and Millions of Re$ources can be spent in making movies,
    and they never get released. NO guarantees.
    Would be nice to at least see this Dateline Expose scheduled.

    Bet the jWs will be praying for Armageddon to pre-empt it!

    Didn't mean to cause a ruckus with all this.

    But ALL of us 'have a dog in this fight'.

    p.s. Mommy, heard you came down with a bad case of the Egyptian Flu.

  • Francois

    Yup. It's hard to wait. And having been in broadcast media for ten years, I'm all too familiar with the many things that can happen to delay, pre-empt, or otherwise cause things not to appear as quickly as we'd like.

    FOR THE RECORD. I spoke on Monday with the producer of the Dateline piece. I made it a point to ask if he could tell me when the program we're so interested in would air. He indicated it would air this fall. However, keep in mind that the producer does not control when any given program will air. With a piece like this where a large liability exposure exists, you can bet the NBC attorneys will vet each and every word. And nothing will show up until the attorneys release it.

    In any event, this program will not air during re-runs. Forget that. If the producer says "this fall" that's as good an answer as we're going to get for now. In fact, NBC may have other good and sufficient reasons not to announce an air date until the day the program is to air.

    And it is not out of the question that NBC might drop the program altogether. Stranger things have happened. I doubt that will happen, but in big time news, anything can.

    Them are the news.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • waiting

    Hey Francoise,

    On the thread where you shared the working title of your book, I asked you a question - been asking it for days. I brought the thread back up today, Duns is the thread author. Perhaps you'd be good enough to answer my question?

    Hey Tally

    Welcome back. As for a guarantee.........

    Nothing is certain in life except death and taxes. Ben Franklin

    As to the point that people should stop talking about it......why? Why not talk about it? Freedom of speech and so forth.


  • blondie

    I have to say that this thread reminded me of this scripture:

    2 Tally 3:3-4 ***
    3 For YOU know this first, that in the last days of the WT Society there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires 4 and saying: “Where is this promised presence of this Dateline Show? Why, from the day SilentLambs posted on this DB, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.”

    Just a thought...I'm anxious too but I can be patient...I been waiting 43 years to see the child abusers and their supporters get their due reward.

  • Amazing

    Tallyman: Email me at [email protected] and I will give you some insight on this. - Amazing

  • d0rkyd00d

    I just recently read about all this stuff, and i just wanted to say i'm going to be continually writing to dateline until i receive a personal response, which i will post on the board if i get it. :)

    "No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."

  • Seeker


    If this thing is going to be done well, it must be done right. If that means taking an extra month or two (or six) to get more information in place and checked, so be it. Writing to Dateline will accomplish nothing good, and perhaps something bad if they get sick of being bothered about it, or think that a bunch of fanatics are behind this. Posting speculation here will accomplish nothing good, and perhaps something bad if people's expectations get raised too high.

    Tallyman is right, word about this overall issue became known a year ago. I wanted to see something sooner as well. Too bad for me. Nothing I can do about it because I know competent persons are working with the media, and my involvement would only unnecessarily complicate matters without adding anything of value.

    C'mon, people, just calm down and wait. Some folks have no patience. And don't feed me the idea that children need to be saved, for I know it as well as you do. Nevertheless, if this process gets rushed and pushed out the door before every T is crossed and I is dotted, the end result will be worse than it is now. The WTS will get to crush our credibility, and they will clamp down even harder on the flock (including the children). So spare me the big words about how you are gonna force things to speed up, or shake things up. Just chill. You and I don't amount to a hill of beans in this process. The facts matter. Period. Give the responsible people time to do it right the first time, and we will all be happier with the results. Lack of preparation is the downfall of legal cases.


  • ros

    DateLine has been interviewing and filming in various parts of the country. Their plan at this time is to air the program in September. But who's to say whether the WTS could interfere, buy them off, or whatever. Maybe THAT could happen. Barring something like that, if things go as planned at this time, they will be airing the program this fall.

  • Mulan

    Thanks Ros.

    Skally, I didn't bring it up, but was only answering a question on the subject of the Dateline show. Some people here are acting like it's all a myth, and it isn't.

    I am in the position of knowing lots of the people involved and hearing many things, and some of them confidential, and some things I have been told, and asked to keep it to myself. It's hard to keep it all straight, so I just don't give details.

    Vague answers are okay. All I know for sure is, as Ros says, it WILL air this Fall.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

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