Hi all, I have been reading some of the comments from many eager to hear about this piece. It will be airing in the Fall and yes it has taken a seemingly long time but there is so much to cover, time schedules of those being interviewed, travel time for the producer and his crew to meet with various individuals, paper work, research, editing the many many hours of taping, reviewing tapes and documents,and much much more. The Producer spoke with us today and still is working hard to put the story together and he is doing a great job. There is still more information he is waiting on according to other's schedules, more yet to report on. I know this will be worth the wait because we have been part of this. Yet I hope you all would try not to liken this peice to Watchtower jibberish about "not knowing the day nor the hour" and other such repulsive phrases we were all forced to listen to for so many years. We should not sink to their pathetic word games of keeping their members in constant suspension. If the info from Dateline became public knowledge on the internet, it would not do justice to what they hope to accomplish. Those working with them have been asked not to share the details with others until it airs. I think this is reasonable since we all know that the WT Organizatin would love to find out as much as possible. Let's keep them guessing rather than give it away on this thread.
by Tallyman 56 Replies latest jw friends
Remember the mantra the anti-war people said when we were pups? "What if someone gave a War and nobody showed up?"
Well, how does this ring your chimes? "What if the Watchtower Printing Corporation was in a pedophile war and nobody could refute it?"
They are fucked, Tom. They are fucked. They will not go out of business because braindead people will always need vicious predators like them, but they will hurt from this DateLine episode, and to be quite frank, they have a lot of other matters to hurt about: the Internet is killing them, sales are down, recruits are down, the world doesn't have a clue about the "message" they've been trying to preach to 125 years; their prophecies have all been flops, they are known as a religion of intolerance and hate, they practice barbaric shunning, they let their own people die on operating tables for a policy they cannot successfully defend in scriptures, they are angry and themselves, each other and whole world, and they are cretins.
It doesn't get much worse than that, Tom. DateLine is only one piece to let the world know that the WTS is a little pathetic 19th Century Cult stuck in the 21st Century without any rudder and still preaching 19th Century bullshit. The whole world is already laughing at them as they slog and shuffle from door-to-door, selling their worthless rags and books.
They have NO POWER on the average humans and they are having less and less power on their own dupes.
The times they are a changin'. Maybe Dylan got that one right.
The producer of NBC's Dateline and I had a conversation this morning
... The program is rock solid, it will air; the date has not yet been determined ... It will be a very honest and careful presentation that will in my opinion have "legs,"Max,
awrite, that's what I was asking about - IF there was something to really chew on concerning this Dateline thing.
Looks like there is.
"Having Legs"... I like that thought.
Will they be Gladiator Legs?
Hope so.
Strong enough to Kick Major Ass and Run After the Retreating Watchtower Cowards and Be Able to Keep Up that Forward Momentum.We call it the 'Big Mo'.
The times they are a changin'. Maybe Dylan got that one right.
Hope so, Fark.
Methinks Dylan was right too about "It don't take a Weatherman to know which way the wind's blowing".Trouble for the Watchtower Society is, there is no wind.
They bees dwelling under One Huge Stagnant Air Mass...
and jokers like You Know, Dunscott, Fredhall, et alia - keep Stinking It Up!.
For More Hive Mind Droppings : * http://www.intrex.net/tallyman/the_list.html
Could someone please fill in the missing piece or pieces of the puzzle?
How could Farkel tell Tallyman about this whole SilentLambs thing back last summer when Bowen was then still a loyal JDub (PO no less), since he didn't resign and start this whole thing until January of this year?
Am I mixing up the chronology? Years wrong?
"the producer does not control..." means pretty much exactly what it says. The producer puts the program together and gets it ready to put on the air. "Puts it together" means he works with a reporter and a tape crew and editors and technicians and such and gets the interviews on both sides of the issue and tapes other video stuff and packages it up onto his piece. A department usually called "programming" decides when it's going to go on the air.
Francis Ford Coppolla makes a film, but he does't decide when it hits the theatres.
It's not rocket science.
Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.
: How could Farkel tell Tallyman about this whole SilentLambs thing back last summer when Bowen was then still a loyal JDub (PO no less), since he didn't resign and start this whole thing until January of this year?
That is an assumption which adds 2+2 and gets 9. For a guy who didn't know how many conventions and what they were, etc., you've gotten up to speed quite remarkably with your lingo, I would say! Congrats.
(psssst... Max, just between you and me... who IS this MadApostate? Is s/he Mad(insane?)? Is s/he Mad(angry?)? Is s/he an Reel Apostate? Is s/he a Plant? Is s/he a Potted Plant? A Troll? A Trickster? A Troglodyte? Is s/he working for the Mother Organization, hence the acronym "MA" (MadApostate)?
I was about to reveal my Deepest Darkest Secrets to MA, but I started getting Weird Vibes, so I figgered I'd axe you first.
(forgive my verbosity)).
Why don't you have the guts to come out and say what you so thinly veil. Now I know why you were once so successful as a Borg hatchetman and promoted up the Borg ladder.
Reread the entire thread and see where my info comes from. Obviously, you have already been doing to me what you idiots do to every new person that comes here.
I have news for you asshole.
I'm not a troll!!But I'm also not one of your wimp groupies that kiss your ass because you were once one of the Borg proletariat(sp) who once victimized the rank and file.
Mad, now I know why the moniker!
Try Congrats with a <grin>. It was I who supplied you the information you asked about circuit assemblies. Period.
Aren't my sparse words above a long way from accusing you of being a troll?
Methinks the person doth protest overmuch.I certainly made no such accusations. Rather than reply in kind, let me just say your response is completely inappropriate. Your post reveals more about you than it does about me.
Cheerfully leaving this thread, not to return -
How could Farkel tell Tallyman about this whole SilentLambs thing back last summer when Bowen was then still a loyal JDub (PO no less), since he didn't resign and start this whole thing until January of this year?
And why would Fark tell you that? If you were his friend, I'm sure he would have told you. Since he didn't, I guess he doesn't think it's your business to know.
Yakki Da
"The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."
Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses: