
by Tallyman 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Not to try and change the mumblings and mutters of Great Men, but I found one thought fascinating throughout this Dateline questioning.

    It really is only half, or less, of the punch to enlighten jw's about their own inner workings of their "church."

    The other half, or more, of the punch is to enlighten "worldlings" about who are those nicely dress people who come knocking on their door. The jw could be a child molester - and even the companion jw, with his/her small child, standing next to him, wouldn't know.

    And if a free, home, Bible study is started - it could very well be with a known child molester.

    Hopefully, this is part of the punchline. And hopefully, "legs" will grow in several different directions - inwards towards the WTBTS - and outwards towards other church groups.

    I think it's well worth the forced patience on our part - and I hope that somehow the SOB Legals at WTBTS don't find a way to kill it.


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Mad: your reading comprehension skills are as poor as your people skills.

    Try going back and reading carefully exactly what Farkel said to Tom. He didn't mention Bill. There were pedophiles in the org and being protected by the org, and many people knew about it before Bill made the facts public.

  • sf
  • Kent

    You will find plenty of stories here:

    And while you're at it - why not check out this link:

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • MadApostate


    Bite me! You're still sore from the spanking you took this morning.

    I just reread Tallyman's exchanges on page 1 and the first half of page 2, and then Farkel's answer midway down on page 2. I would find it hard to believe if someone now says that Farkel wasn't saying that they discussed the pedo media blitz back last summer. If the excuse is that Farkel was referring to something different from Bowen's resignation, then where is that "something" now.

    I initially simply asked a question in which I thought that I was just mixed up on the dates. However, it now appears that I have stumbled onto something that has this bunch irritated. The only reason I can think that such would irritate anyone is that something underhanded is going on. If that is the situation, you people are as bad as the jerks you are fighting.

    Evidently, you can take the people out of the JWs but you can't take the JWs out of them.

    This whole mess today reminds me of when I first started discussing the 607/1914 issue with some of the local elders.

    If someone has a answer for me that is reasonable, and will allow me to ask followup questions, I'm more than happy to listen to such. However, I don't want to hear crap from jerks like Tina, MommieDark, Maximus, or anyone else who want to stick me with labels.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Spanking? LOLOL

    lash with ineffectual wet noodle from trollytroll doesn't come close!

    It only takes a second to wipe your rantspittle off my boot and then it's as if you never said anything at all... LOLOLOLOL

  • MadApostate


    Just the childish crap that could be expected from someone like you!

    Any serious replies? I'm tired of replying to the crap like the above reponse.

  • Seeker

    MadApostate, you are wrong.

    I would find it hard to believe if someone now says that Farkel wasn't saying that they discussed the pedo media blitz back last summer. If the excuse is that Farkel was referring to something different from Bowen's resignation, then where is that "something" now.

    There was a private discussion about the pedophile problem last summer, but it had nothing to do with Bill Bowen. I know, for I was part of the private discussion. Bowen came along in the winter, and publicized a matter that was going to be publicized once everything was ready. He added to it.

    Where is last summer's "something" now? It got melded into the Dateline publicity, as I understand. In other words, it's still coming. It is information in addition to what Bowen is publicizing. Be patient.

  • MadApostate


    Thank you for the explanation, minus any "labeling" commentary.

    Can you tell the Board "generally" what that summer sub-issue was? I'm not in much of a mood at this point to simply take any statement as is.


  • Farkel


    It really doesn't matter to me if you are a Brooklyn plant or not, because stuff can be said now that could not be said a year ago.

    : How could Farkel tell Tallyman about this whole SilentLambs thing back last summer when Bowen was then still a loyal JDub (PO no less), since he didn't resign and start this whole thing until January of this year

    Simply because a few of us were working together on this issue long before we even heard of Bill Bowen. The real KEY to blowing this whole issue up in the face of the WTS is NOT Bill Bowen. You obviously don't understand this. This will all become obvious when the Dateline show airs.

    Mommie Dark was absolutely correct in her comments to you. I've know her for years and I trust her with my life. Besides that, she was also correct.

    : I just reread Tallyman's exchanges on page 1 and the first half of page 2, and then Farkel's answer midway down on page 2. I would find it hard to believe if someone now says that Farkel wasn't saying that they discussed the pedo media blitz back last summer. If the excuse is that Farkel was referring to something different from Bowen's resignation, then where is that "something" now.

    Several of us who are connected talked about that pedophilia problem BEFORE last summer, dummy.. You don't have all the facts, and I'm not going to give you all the facts because 1) I don't know you and 2) You are a demanding jerk and I don't care much for demanding jerks.



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