Whats the deal with fading.

by mtbatoon 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtbatoon

    I'm not trolling here or trying to upset, I'm not attacking anyone personally or trying to force my opinion on others but having read a lot of people experiences on leaving the org I really can not understand the point of fading. I understand that people risk losing contact with family members and friends but really what type of friend and how good a family member are they if they are willing to shun you for not holding the same beliefs?

    A bit of background might be in order here. At the age of 16 my mother started talking about baptism and though I new that JWism and Christianity had some gaping holes, my main motivation was becoming a normal teenager. The only “friend” I had, another JW, that I would lose contact with was a friend of convenience, us both being in the same age and at the same school. I was aware of disfollowshipping, I took very little interest in religion at that time and as my mother had three young children and a older daughter who was in danger of being disfellowshipped and subsequently was, I was never subjected to intense bible study thank goodness. When I made my break I made it cleanly, I was a Jehovah's Wittiness and then I wasn't, simple as that. I never entered a KH again except for weddings and funerals. At the age of 16 not only did I have to deal with teenage angsts but around 6 months later left home at the age of 17 and found that I had to change a lot of my personality to be able to fit into normal society. My family was distant, the rows with my father, who had stopped attending meeting some years before but never renounced his faith, meant that contact was also brief. I was lacking many social skills and on numerous occasions was taken for a ride by people I mistook for friends. In the end the shunning finally came when my sister was disfellowshipped that resulted in two years of no contact with my family that was finally ended by my own actions. Anyway enough wallowing in my past, I just want to point out that I know breaking away isn't easy and there's a price to pay.

    To me fading show continuing submission to the org. Prior to my break it was instilled in me that you stand up for what you believe. All the years of not taking part in school activities, missing religions festivals and being made to stand out and be the target for bullying and ridicule was the same strength I used to break away. I realise that people have different circumstances and fading may be the best option but I also hear reasons given like “If I stay in I can spread doubt”, I'm sorry but that's Dub logic if ever I heard it, the same as “If I go to that website I can post arguments for the WT.” In the end what does fading bring you? The only benefit I can see is for the org that you make a no fuss exit, surely looking you former “brothers” and “sisters” in the face and telling them that you're not going to take it any more is a more truthful action and how can the lies of the org be combated with deceit, which is what I see fading as.

    I'm sure that many will say I don't know what I'm talking about and they may be right but if I've gained anything beneficial from my association with the WT it's that you make a stand for what's right and accept the consequences.

  • blondie

    But isn't DAing yourself playing the WTS game with their rules.

    As long as they leave me alone, I don't see any reason to take that step unless as an individual you need to do it to have closure.

    Other people have family and friends that they want to maintain minimal contact with and DAing themselves would cut that off.

    Finally, I don't feel I have to justify myself to anyone in my JW family or people at the KH.

    No Pearls Before Swine.


  • PaulJ

    I DA'd myself, but looking back in hindsight, i wish i had just faded. I did it simply cos i didnt want the elder hassle if i did summat 'wrong'- im not huge on confrontation, and as part of my DA letter i asked not to be contacted. I was a true sheep- and sheep do not confront their shepherds.

  • mtbatoon

    I don't know the rules they have for someone DAing themself, I would like to see them if they have.

    Why DA yourself for them to leave you alone? Most countries have laws relating to harassment.

    I was a true sheep- and sheep do not confront their shepherds.

    That's my point Paul, yes we're taught not to be confrontational to the elders but the letters and announcements and hiding is playing their game. When do leavers realise that you can just tell them to buzz off?

  • PaulJ

    I didnt want to tell them to buzz off, i didnt want to see or hear from them ever again. To be honest, i didnt consider fading as an option, and at the time i certainly wouldnt have had the strength to do it. 1 letter and that was it for me.

    I still thought like a witness, so i left like one i guess.

  • Crumpet

    I was trying to explain this to my bf last night. He can't understand why some of the JWs I grew up can still have contact with their parents. For instance a family that was very close to us are going out to stay with their non JW son for a month in Canada. I explained he faded as soon as he was 16 and after a while was no longer identified as a JW, plus he never got baptised. I explained that if I had not been an utter div and got baptised at 13 and had I faded slowly at 16 instead of publically breaking as many of the 10 commandments as possible so I could get DFed, then my family could still talk to me too. I didn't even know about fading - I just wanted out! I probably couldn't have handled fading anyway - as I'm pretty much an all or nothing sort of girl.

    My BF said it just seemed so unfair and that how can it be okay for JWs to criticse other religions for baptising babies who know no better when they baptise children who don't know the implications of their decision and are just trying to please their parents and congregation.

    Having said all of that had my parents are so fundamentalist and literal in their beliefs that if I had quietly faded I think they would probably still shun me. My sisters might have been more lenient though.

    So I do understand why people want to fade and wouldn't knock it.

  • blondie

    Fading does not necessarily equal hiding.

    We have hidden in plain sight. They know where we live. We choose our contact if any with them. We return only the calls we want (none) and never answer the door if they dropped by unannounced.

    We have peace; we aren't shunned (except by people who shunned us when we were active JWs in good standing, but that is another story of so-called Christian kindness).

    If you want no contact with any JW family or other JWs, DAing can be the way to go.


  • Honesty
    But isn't DAing yourself playing the WTS game with their rules

    Could you be more specific?

    True, I called Crooklyn, NY and told them I was no longer going to play a part in misleading and deceiving people because of obvious lack of love between brothers, UN/NGO, blood policies not uniform, flip flopping doctrines and false predictions. I also called 2 elders and told them the WTBTS was apostate. I don't think I was announced as DF'd or DA'd until it became common knowledge I had been baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    The BOE can announce anything they want to at their Thursday night sales meetings regarding any approved associate (associate sounds like the sales force at Proffit's or a mall store, doesn't it).

    They can also be individually sued if their announcements result in alienation of affection by your family members beacuse they are afraid of being DF'd themselves if they associate with you once an announcement is made from the sales platform.

  • luna2

    My fade wasn't a planned strategy, it just happened over time. I still thought it was the "Truth" and beat myself up pretty good about not living up to my dedication. I originally planned to come back after I'd taken a mental health break...hopefully becoming a stronger, more assertive, person (read: not bow like some little simpleton to whatever the WT or the elders or pioneers or whoever said). Over time, I was able to identify that the confustion I felt was natural given the contradictory crap we were being force fed.

    Only recently did I start researching the religion the way I should have when I first started studying. I do feel the urge to make a clean break with the borg. I'm pretty sure I'm already being shunned as a bad associate for my inactivity anyhow, and I have no close friends or family that are still JWs so I will lose nothing by disassociating myself. Other people have a much different situation, though. I can't see that it's a bad thing to want to maintain some sort of contact with friends and family...or to want time to try to get others out. All's fair in theocratic warfare.

  • PaulJ
    True, I called Crooklyn, NY and told them I was no longer going to play a part in misleading and deceiving people because of obvious lack of love between brothers, UN/NGO, blood policies not uniform, flip flopping doctrines and false predictions.

    I bet the receptionist/switchboard operator wasnt expecting that!!!!!

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