A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons

by smelly onions 293 Replies latest jw experiences

  • stopthepain

    smelly-turn on any religous tv channel and youll find thousands of non jw's who aren't going to "do drugs ,be a deviant,or steal your girl".How do you explain that?

    If you read my post from the other day,I realize it could have been worse,I fully admit that.But this is a FREE country.I condemn all suicide bombers.

    Unlike places like that,we have a free flo9w of information.Why is it the WTBTS doesn't want there followers to see any of the facts?

    Your very judgemental,and you would make a great elder/cleaner apointed by jehoba someday.

    I do appreciate your opinion though.Freedom of speech,isn't it great.Something you won't find at the kingdumb hall.

    Also,it just seems you only want to hear people who agree with you ,and then stroke thier ego so they will stay on your side.I have no problem with you or JT.

    GOOD LUCK ON YOUR RETURN TO THE ORG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  • avishai
    You don't have to worry about the guy next to you fighting you over a girl or making wise crack remarks.

    Are you sure you went to the same assemblies i did? I experienced this... Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I did'nt experince this until i got better looking and started dressing well. When i was a little 98 lb. nerd, it never happened. So I'd understand why you never saw it happen.

  • foreword
    . the talks wont make me feel guilty for being a flunky

    Of course they won't.....they'll just bore the hell out of you and

    when i do return to the truth

    chances are you won't now that you know the truth

  • wanderlustguy
    you know what's also super cool. now that i know all this juicy stuff, when i do return to the truth i will be feeling alright for being a flunky jw. the talks wont make me feel guilty for being a flunky.

    And who do I have to thank for that. All my apostate friends here who made it possible for me to return to the truth. Thanx buddies, you sure helped me out.

    I'll feel a lot better about the Org when you make it back in.

  • stopthepain

    Again smeely,you completly misquote people,just like your god,the GB.I said coporate america doesn't lie ,saying you'll live forever if you celebrate XMAS.

  • undercover

    Why Oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?

  • itsallgoodnow

    what I still don't understand is, if smelly onions isn't bitter, doesn't need any support, etc. why did he join JWD? He obviously doesn't understand why anyone else would need support, so what's he doing? counting his time?

    I'm really happy for smelly that he doesn't have any problems, and I wish everyone associated here didn't ever have any problems, but this smelly cat sounds like he needs to do a little growing up.

  • GetBusyLiving

    LMFAO.. as long as you don't feel like such a flunky when you return to the "truth", now that you realize it's all a lie. Good luck with that.

    At least now I wouldn't feel sorry for you when you and your "nice JW girl" have kids that grow up to leave the "truth" one day and realize their daddy was a mindless slack-jawed jackass that wasted all of his and part of their lives for a bunch of bullshit. Take care.


  • stopthepain

    bombs away GBL

  • smelly onions
    smelly onions
    Why Smelly , i see you are still here making friends,,,,,,,,lol

    hahahahaha, ur funny kls and josie

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