Well. I think we'll all have to agree to disagree on this one.
no opinion is wrong. And at this point that is what we are arguing. I know the Quran is not endorsing domestic abuse, but cofty, for example, feels even one slap is abuse even if a woman is mistreating and demeaning her mate severely. I disagree. But that doesn't mean I would ever beat my wife.
as far as the crusades comparison, I do understand where your coming from Simon. And it's a good point. I just don't agree. The pope was the closest thing to a world power at that time, every king was under his authority. Out of fear of excommunication they endorsed and supported the crusades. Muslims are not being forced to support ISIS.
Personally, I feel the entire world, and us in particular here, are extremely biased against religion. I do not feel Islam is reflective of the Quran. Therefore while I do not agree with Islam, I do not condemn the Quran just because it's linked with a group that does things I don't agree with. The Quran is not where they get these teachings or ideas from, and I think what is happening here is we are assuming since the Quran is islams book that their traditions must come from it. This is logical, but not the case.
you guys might disagree, and that's fine. But that's how I feel about it. I think any further discussion might come across like I'm trying to push my views on you and I don't want to do that. Since I've already positioned my thoughts on the matter for considerstion, and they've been considered, I'll excuse myself.
I promise I've read and seriously considered all your posts as well. So I hope this does t leave anyone feeling I haven't somehow. I don't feel any disrespect toward you for disagreeing or anything. :)