Explosions London Buses & Trains

by Crumpet 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Its nice to hear that some of our posters over in London are safe. I've finally gotten word about my first cousin's two young daughters who now live there with their mother after the family split up. Their just fine. His back-stabbing ex-wife is alright too by the way. No one deserves that kind of act, except for the perpetrators themselves.

    I really feel sorry for the families and people hurt by this attack, but it was bound to happen. British Intelligence and law enforcement had done an excellent job so far of preventing them though.

  • jeanniebeanz
    I'm more worried that I'm going to cry in front of people though! What a dummy!

    No, you are not. I cried at work the day the towers fell, and I was the flipping HR manager at the time. Whenever there is that much senseless loss of life and that much anxiety it is a natural response.

    Cry away if you feel like it, and don't let anyone make you feel silly about it. You will likely not be the only one with misty eyes today.


  • Robdar
    I fully agree with what you're saying classicist... the comment wasn't directed at you my friend... i read the whole of the Qu'ran when i was a dub, scouring it in order to prove a Muslim return-visit wrong. It didn't take much scouring... It is a book of violence and murder, on par or even worse than the Bible... These quote are all from my own personal copy of the Qu'ran...

    You may be reading the Quran but it is obvious that you do not understand it. Christians and Jews are not unbelievers. They are not considered infidels. All 3 religions worship the same god. They are not idolators. BTW, I've read the Quran too. I even went one step further: I consulted with Muslims to help me understand their interpretation of the scriptures you've quoted. May I suggest you do the same?


  • codeblue

    We watched in shock this morning about the London bombings. Reminded me of 9/11....very sad indeed.

    I hope all our JWD friends are safe....Have they all checked in?

    These terrorists need to be STOPPED.


  • Robdar

    Steve and Joy, I am glad that you are safe. Thank God that you slept in.

  • avishai
    I fully agree with what you're saying classicist... the comment wasn't directed at you my friend... i read the whole of the Qu'ran when i was a dub, scouring it in order to prove a Muslim return-visit wrong. It didn't take much scouring... It is a book of violence and murder, on par or even worse than the Bible... These quote are all from my own personal copy of the Qu'ran...

    You may be reading the Quran but it is obvious that you do not understand it. Christians and Jews are not unbelievers. They are not considered infidels. All 3 religions worship the same god. They are not idolators. BTW, I've read the Quran too. I even went one step further: I consulted with Muslims to help me understand their interpretation of the scriptures you've quoted. May I suggest you do the same?


    Oh NICE!!! So it's just buddhists, shintoists, pagans, hindu's, and all the REST of the world's sundry children that are f*cked. Great. But christians and jews will be spared !! Woo-hoo!!!

  • Sunspot
    I'm more worried that I'm going to cry in front of people though! What a dummy!

    Dummy? Hardly.

    When you've experienced a tragedy such as you have and being ever so close to the event----I imagine many grown men have been crying as well. I remember that after 9-1-1, we sat in front of the TV for at least three days, most times in tears, as all these things unfolded before us. It's a human reaction, Hon!

    Hoping to hear soon that you are home, safe and sound.....



  • Robdar
    Oh NICE!!! So it's just buddhists, shintoists, pagans, hindu's, and all the REST of the world's sundry children that are f*cked. Great. But christians and jews will be spared !! Woo-hoo!!!

    Well, I'm glad that something pleases you, Avi.

    I haven't seen the above groups being attacked lately, have you? And since Jews and Xtians aren't infidels then it seems to me that, contrary to popular opinion, there is not some sort of religious jihad going on in the world.

  • avishai

    Neither the USA or the UK are a christian theocracy, are they, robdar? And OBL hisself has called us infidel's in his speeches and said he's gonna kill or convert us. So, Is al queda following the Qur'an to the letter anyway, Robdar? Huh?

    Why exactly DOES alqueada do the shit they do, rob? Fun?

  • whyamihere

    I am glad everyone that is ok...is ok.

    That's all that should matter right now.

    Who gives a Flying * about anything else. Forget all Groups all Religions. Hold on to you and your loved one because others cannot!

    May all those who lost thier lives rest in peace and to thier families may they find comfort. That's what matters ...nothing else.


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