Explosions London Buses & Trains

by Crumpet 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Well the jihad group that is claiming responsibility says that all quarters of Britain are in panic and fear on the statement I have read.

    I'd like to say No, fuck off, we are not. We are shocked and upset, but we are still getting on with our jobs as best we can. And there has been no panic whatsoever. So there! you sad pathetic misled individuals. May guilt haunt your every sleeping moment and horror stick on your retinas every waking moment. May you never achieve another moments peace or contentment.


  • dorayakii

    Panic??... us?? ROFL, it'll take more that that to panic an Englishman... bring it on!!!

  • the_classicist
    Edited to say: sorry freak, but you are just ****ing annoying me so much

    Was that towards me? Perhaps I should clarify *historically* (as in, when it first started). Just as Christianity was an essential part of 19th century colonialism. Don't be so reactionary or easily offended.

  • freak

    I missed the unedited post...

    I am not going to accept a single word I am told by Tony Blair without evidence to back it up. And as we all know, his evidence is often bullshit. Look at what we know about 9-11 and the Iraq war now, a few years down the line. And you STILL follow Bliar like the sheep you are... claim to be free of the WTS but you are controlled by the media and governments.

  • TooOpinionated

    Our thoughts and prayers are with England today. I am just so, so heartsick over this.

    And Crumpet, I think you are an amazing woman.

  • Sunspot

    ***Sunspot/Annie - your message really touched me. Hugs from me!

    Dear Sweet Crumpet. Thanks for your comment during such a gutwrenching time for you! I feel as if I've been seeing all this unfold through your eyes and this terrible time will always be remembered by me, with your experiences at the heart of my thoughts whenever this will be mentioned in the future.

    ***I feel calmer now. London Victoria has just reopened which is a good sign. At least I'm safe and most of my friends after frantic phone calls have hooked up to say they are okay albeit stranded.

    I am SO glad to hear that!!! Your relief and being able to "touch base" with those you care about must be worth oceans of comfort for you!

    ***Wanna bet that the Watchtower/Awake will have an article that will highlight how some witnesses narrowly escaped, while ignoring all the death and destruction of the 'worldly people'.... anyway, how sad. Prayers and thoughts are with those affected.


    (shudder) It stands to reason that the WTS vultures will be SURE to put their own spin on everything and anything they CAN to whip up emotions to their own means.

    WE ALL KNOW how much they "did" for the frightened and exhausted victims who were running and stumbling over the bridge by the WTS HQs on 9-1-1. NOT.

    I can just hear the Boys In Writing and the GB wanna-be's aiming to put all this morning's events into THEIR narrow perspective, so that all te "loyal and obedient" ones will gloat......GRRRRRRRR!

    Annie...experiencing MANY emotions today........

  • Crumpet

    Freak - I have never voted for Tony Blair nor his government and as for following him like a sheep - I can only say you are an utter twally and thats being nice.

    Unless you have something constructive or supportive to say, instead of speculating about the politics of people you've never met, I suggest you just piss off.

  • dorayakii

    FYI "freak" i dont follow Blair, i don't like the man nor his policies, polls said that most people in the UK were against the war in iraq... it went to parliament, the pro-war preople won, a few anti-war MPs quit their posts, so Blair took the soldiers to war with the US, end of story. a lot of his policies were good in comparison to what the opposition have to offer, no one wants to go back to a "Thatcherite" Britain, so Blair was unfortunately voted in again... he will step down in a few years... You are speaking out of your rear end about something that "could" be and something which you know nothing about, you jump to conclusions and want to see conspiracies in everything...

    ... and also please, its only a few hours ago that bombs were going off in my home town that i could have been directly involved with if it wasn't for a stroke of luck, (the dead are not even cold yet)... so please just stop, now... thank you

  • Mulan

    "we STARTED the war!!"

    Really? i thought driving planes into towers and killing 3000+ people started the war. . .

    Iraq didn't do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Check_Your_Premises
    May guilt haunt your every sleeping moment and horror stick on your retinas every waking moment. May you never achieve another moments peace or contentment.

    I love you Crumpy!


    Censer Watchtower esse delendam


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