One great irony here is that so many Bethelites have honed their skill at slacking (i.e. skipping meetings, talk assignments or field service) to a high art, always invoking ``Bethel duties" as the excuse to theire local congregations..
Gilead students told...other JWs are a bunch of slackers!
by sir82 73 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
You really nailed it. It was that very hierachy that turned me off. As I was given more "privileges" people treated me different. Even the words out of these brothers in various positions made me feel there was a double standard and duplicity to thier actions. When a friend came to me after the district convention where I was assigned to announce a release and said, "Well, you're up there with the big boys now" I cringed and decided it was time to jump ship. Was disgusted.
I was no different than everyone else, accept of course for my questioning ways.
Never give up, never surrender.
They will offer up their children on the
altar of education.That is simply THE dumbest thing I have read in a long time.
Generic Man
I know I'm currently lying on the alter of education, engulffed in flames and loving it!
Where do they get their enjoyment; from a weekend away from Christian activities with their brothers or with the brothers in theocratic activities?
Oh, I know, I know! (as I eagerly put my hand up in the air to answer)......The correct answer is: from a weekend away from Christian activities .
Elderettes are better than the sisters, but the sisters aren't better than anyone else in the borg. Finally, the bottom of the ladder. Sigh... -
They will offer up their children on the altar of education.
That statement doesn't even make any sense if you think about it. It sounds more like the ravings of a manical fanatic!
What about all those people The Watchtower has sent to school to get a law education to become lawyers? Are they to be considered "offerings" on the alter of an "legal education"?
For a few years it looked like The Watchtower was relaxing its viewpoint on education, now it looks like their viewpoint is downright hatred of education.
The comparison with Baal and sacrificial altars is stupid.
Do you know the name of the person who said it?
--VM44 (the "I want names!" person)
They will offer up their children on the altar of education.
How does the person who said that support himself?
How does the person who said that support himself?
Probably mostly through donations given by highly paid, and educated dubs.
When I lived out by Bethel, I was shocked how many meetings Bethelites missed. Many wives whose jobs were not as "crucial" would just stay home rather than drive themselves to the meetings (Wallkill) or take the subway/get a ride with other Bethelites (Brooklyn)
Sisters that had been driving for years suddenly couldn't read a map and were afraid to drive in the dark (unless it was to go shopping).
Did you know that most Bethelites (male) work 3 Saturday mornings out of 4 until they are 50 and then they get another Saturday am off?
Did you know that their wives get 2 off before 30, 3 off before 40, and all 4 off by 40? Do the math, that means that it was rare to see a Bethelite out on Saturday morning and the wives would not go out unless their husbands were going.
Around Wallkill, with 30 to 40 Bethelites per congregation, Saturday morning field service was held at the KH because so few met.
Yes, when you live around a Bethel complex, things suddenly are put into a different perspective.