Gilead students told...other JWs are a bunch of slackers!

by sir82 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeroday

    I can remember in the early 80's when Brooklyn was updating to computers. A letter was read from the platform asking all those with computer skills to volunteer to go to Bethel and help set up the system. I'm standing in the back of the hall after the meeting and this life long brother I have know for a long time comes up to me and says, "I guess they need people with educations now huh".

  • greendawn

    And one wonders how baalism is connected with not being totally dedicated to the borg, note however the connotations of being a filthy degraded pagan if you don't serve loyally the FDS. Cheap sentimentalism.

  • Sunspot
    My question is...Why don't brothers want to go to the assemblies on Friday, or why would they rather spend time in leisure activities or why do many seek out a better education and ignore the Borg? Could it be that the fine spiritual food is rancid? Could it be that the flock is getting tired of being abused and led by blind guides? Seems to me that the GB should look at themselves first for the solution to these problems.


    Of course the head honchos at the WTS will never see it this way. Rather than find ways to make the meetings, conventions, etc more appealing, it is so much more noble of them to castigate the sheep. I admit it's a tough job to keep these sessions interesting for the average JW, so it's easier to bring on the gobs of guilt routine rather than look inwardly as to why people are just getting tired of the same-old same-old.

    How many WAYS can you serve hash?


  • Joyzabel
    Bethelites & Gilead members need almost constant reinforcement that they are the true elite of the JW-world

    can you say- PROPAGANDA!

    I felt that all the "daily text" and "meetings" were propaganda at it's finest. Mind control with guilt.

  • Blueblades

    "It has been said:" By whom? "Sad to say:" Sad for whom? I know that they know that we know.


  • blondie

    I call this the "BETTER THAN" concept.

    The rank and file are told they are better than the "wordly" people.

    The pioneers are told they are better than the rank and file.

    The MS are told they are better than the rank and file and the pioneers.

    Brothers are told they are better than the sisters.

    Husbands are told they are better than the wives.

    The elders are told they are better than the rank and file. ("mighty elders" one CO called them at an elders meeting)

    The PO is better than all the other elders

    The Service Committee (PO, secretary, service overseer) are better than the rest of the elders.

    The elders with parts on the circuit assembly are better than the elders who don't.

    The elders with parts on the district convention are better than the elders who don't.

    The substitute CO and CO are better than the elders.

    The DO is better than the CO.

    and so on up. I'm sure I have missed some but this is the general ideal. Take a group of JWs and pick another group of JWs for them to be BETTER THAN.


  • kid-A

    Is there an active "Church of Baal" ?? Where do I sign up???

  • upside/down
    loyalty does not imply spirituality

    My last and only "best friend" in the bOrg....said, after endless hours of me exposing WTS "injustices" and "hypocrisy"...

    It all boils down to "loyalty" "Gods" organ-eye-zay-SHUN.

    I said it boils down to loyalty to what's right...

    We haven't talkes much since.

    Some walls can't be broken...

    u/d (of the demolition class)

  • zagor

    LOL, where did you get that from? Watchtower?
    Well that's just typical divide and conquer. I agree with Blondie, there is so much ranking going on almost feel like an army and not an religion or packing order in herd of animals.

  • metatron

    How do I feel about this set of remarks?


    This is wonderful! Why? Because if this tendency to criticize the friends continues, it will hang them like a rope!

    It exposes the real state of affairs in their "spiritual paradise" openly - very dangerous for them!

    Secondly, it puts them squarely on the "Rehoboam" track towards further breakup of the organization.

    'my father beat you with whips but I shall beat you with scourges"


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