If anybody thinks I am going to give money or enable anybody to pioneer or whatever while I work full time - they can kiss my grits!!!
I don't dodge cars and maniacs to get to work everyday so I can support some wanna-be clergyman(woman).
Yeah, so they can shuffe along ringing doorbells, all the while congratulating themselves that they don't have to work for a living and be on the front lines like the rest of us.
Gilead students told...other JWs are a bunch of slackers!
by sir82 73 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome! Thanks for the posts. Nothing to add to the others.
Such nonsense, if you send your children to higher education you become guilty of capital punishment and even holidays are like worshipping Baal.
Conclusion: every single hour of your life should be dedicated to the borg otherwise you have no chance you are a filthy pagan. -
So if you don't spend every single second of your life thinking about and working for the wt, you're $hit.
Translation #2: Do not think of anything else but what you have to do for us, otherwise, you'll realize we're full of $hit!! -
Sad to say, like the Israelites sometimes even Jehovah's
people can be affected with Baalism. Sometimes they say that there are
too many meetings. They don't want to exert themselves. They don't want
the deeper things of the truth but always say to keep it simple. They
wont take Friday off for the convention.(SOB )............I hadn't REALIZED how low "Jehovah's people" has sunk at this time!! OH! The shame of it all is too much to bear!!!!
No wonder the WTS has clamped down on them so hard!
They don't want the deeper things of the truth but always say to keep it simple.
No wonder they want is simple because the Governing Body of Apostate JW's is knee deep in the truths of Satan.
Well it's nice to know how these Gilead instructors view the R&F. Seems they have a holier than thou attitude. If they only had enough sense to see that they have become religious fanatics.
Now, all they can try to do is make people feel even more guilty.
And what's worse is that the person from Giliad felt inclined to share it with you.
They will offer up their children on the
altar of education.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....<snif>...<ahem>...*wipes coffee from monitor, keyboard and face*...damn!...*strips to panties and puts coffee drenched garments into the washer*...*re-dresses*...
I'm surprised that they spelled 'education' correctly. What fools...