What are YOUR Apostapowers, and how do you access them?

by Nathan Natas 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • tetrapod.sapien

    when i hear the words "we are wonderfully made", i become OctaDarwin-Man, and i grow 8 octopus arms out of my ass that i can walk around with, and i latch on to the sides of big fat logical fallacies and slimy misquotes, and i stangle them and make them squeel. then i eat them, which only makes my octopus arms stronger.

  • ColdRedRain

    I have an adamantium skeleton that stands up to indimidating elder's looks when they quiz me on my "spirituality".

    My adamantium skeleton unsheaths claws that like TS's octopus legs, also deals with logical fallacies easily. It also cuts through the hardest of JW's weird looks when they look at you in a weird manner because you're not attending meetings.

    My third and final power is that I heal from JW attempted shunnings with a sarcastic "So you say you're not in a cult, huh."

    Of course, I have other powers that are learned but are very useful, like martial arts skills that are useful every time a young, agressive male JW acts in a brutish manner when I own him in an intellectual discussion and he tries to get ornery.

  • talesin

    I sometimes find waves of anger energy coursing through my body, so I stand with both feet planted, and direct it down into the earth, sending it into the arms of the 'great mother'. She helps me redirect that energy into the positive, and I use that positive energy to sow seeds of anarchy with the unsuspecting.


  • Robdar

    OMG, I can't stop laughing. Oh, oh, oh, oh, my belly hurts.

  • frankiespeakin

    I do strange exotic consciouness altering and I can enter the Governing Body's mind and find thier worst fears and exploit it, rub thier noses in it ha ha ha ha

    Make them see clearly the great calamity ahead of them ha ha ha ha ha haaaa!

    Let them use all thier wicked power to decieve and begile, let them pounce on the innocent and be exposed to the whole world wide brotherhood over which they at one time had control!!!!! But they don't know the power of the internet to expose thier vile deed,,but they are starting starting to and soon very soon they will find out. When every jehovah witness alive know the real ugly truth

    And then I return back to normal.

  • free2beme

    I have the ability to control minds by planting sublimital thoughts into words I say and write, although for the most part it would take a CIA computer months to catch on to the most basic thoughts as it works off a formula only known to a small group of monks in Eastern Asia who developed the method in the early half of the Chin dynasty.

  • Carol

    When I stop laughing, I'll have to see if I can't figure out what my powers all....but right now I'm laughing so hard I have to leave the room!

  • Dustin

    Whenever I hear the words to a Kingdom Melody in my brain, I turn into the second coming of Marilyn Manson and flip off God and sing my evil Melodies of destruction.

  • Netty

    You freakin people are all NUTS. Thats why I luv ya!

  • Netty

    You freakin people are all NUTS. Thats why I luv ya!

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