JW spies on the JWD

by greendawn 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot


    Why do I always hear strains of an Aretha Franklin song when I see that word by itself?

    ***Actually I'd say.....go hang out on ebay or something where you may make an impact.

    Ooooh....I wouldn't make any connections between any "bulky undergarments" and the word "impact" when referring to some older members of the WTS! Things could get messy!

    ***I don't really know... but I'm sure it would need to be censored.

    I hear THAT one!


  • misspeaches

    If your religious leaders ask you to stoop to spying does this not pose to you that there might be something wrong.

    When did religon begin including spying. Isn't it meant to be about the love shown to us by God and returning it?

    I feel sorry for the JW spies. I hope one day they will have the same happiness and freedom I have.

  • greendawn

    They may be Bethel boys sitting before their computers at HQ gathering and sifting intel, let them tell their devious masters the time of reckoning has come their deception will be thoroughly exposed, their business killed, and they will not know where to put themselves out of sheer shame.

  • talesin

    I think my nephew may be one of those spies. So I will speak to him.

    Dear nephew,

    Do you remember the one time you met me? You were 10, and grammy brought you to see me on the sly. You said "She's so pretty; she looks just like me". Well, I had a good cry that day, thinking about how much I missed being part of you and your brother's lives. Actually, I am getting choked up again right now. My freedom has come at a great cost, I don't deny it. But it was worth every tear, every lonely nite, every emotional slap in the face I have ever received. I am many things, but hypocrite is not one of them.

    How does it feel to know that you know very few of your mother's and father's families? People who love you, even tho they are not allowed to get to know you? Are you happy and content? I hear your wife is soon to deliver your first child. Do you plan on spanking him or her? Do you plan on yelling at them and berating them like your father always did to your brother?

    You are indeed lucky that you were able to go to college and get a Comp Sci degree. Did you know that Grammy pulled me out of school when I was 14 because Armageddon was coming in 1975? Did you know that they turned down many scholarships and opportunities for me because of the imminent destruction of Armageddon? Pioneering was the only way to go, and of course now, she pretends that it was my choice, but come on,,, I was only 14! I was not allowed to go to college.

    How can you not KNOW what a LIE it all is, after reading pages and pages of the stories of abuse on this forum? Do you doubt the sincerity of these many folk? Why don't you ask your father about how he used to secretly smoke and drink for many years? He is oh-so self-righteous about it now, and denies that he did it ... but I remember ,,, oh yes, I do.

    Does it make you feel righteous to betray the people who use this forum as a healing place? Do you feel Jehovah will reward you in the "paradise earth"? I wonder when that will take place. It certainly didn't happen in 1975, like I was taught. Oh yes, they told us that .... they didn't write it down, but it was the subject of many, many talks from the platform.

    I have been told that you are as good at maths and sciences as I. Why is it that I was denied an education merely because I was born 20 years before you? Are you really that blind that you can't see what false prophets the JWs are? Or is it just easier for you to be a JW and blind yourself to reality? What about your older brother? Don't you miss him?

    Think, please. Use the critical reasoning skills you learned at college, and apply them to the main thing in your life ... the religion. Look around you at the elders who are drunks, the elders' kids who party like there is no tomorrow and get away with it, the sleazy business dealings of the richer ones in your congregation ... do you really believe these people are Christ-like?

    Don't waste any more of your life following the teachings of a book-publishing company.

    Look into the 607BCE date ... read the UN website and find out the truth about the WTS' status as an NGO from 1991 to 2001 ... imagine what it would be like if the elders covered up the rape of your baby and allowed the molester to roam the assemblies and molest other children ... think hard.


    your aunt who loves you, wish I knew you,


  • kls
    your aunt who loves you, wish I knew you,

    Aww Tales ,that is so sad and i do hope he reads this

  • nicolaou
    your aunt who loves you, wish I knew you

    I know we've all turned it into a cliche but this place is truly full of friends.

    Lots of love to you Talesin

  • RichieRich

    ok... So I'd cuss at everyone but Tal's nephew...

  • Rabbit

    Talesin Best post ever...straight from that good heart of yours !

    Talesin's nephew: I hope you get to know your aunt, really know her. Give her a chance...

    Rabbit (of the glad to have her call me her friend class)

  • talesin

    Oh, thanks kls, nic, Richie, rabbit! Group hug.

    I hope that this will make just one JW think ... that would be a 'good thing', to quote Martha ... there is a place for anger, and sorrow as well, when addressing these issues. After all, they both come from the same place of pain, neh?

    Love you all!


  • prophecor

    You soon will come to be a double agent, but you will defect to the other side. Covert operations will only come to bite the establishment. Be warned. Be affraid. Be very affraid.

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