Weight Issues

by TomCat 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • TomCat

    My wife has been struggling with her weight since the birth of our children. She's done every fad diet and always gives up. Now she's turned to phentermine, a controlled substance for weight loss. It seems she stresses out easier and doesn't sleep very well. She has lost weight though, 20 lbs, and she's only been on these pills for about three months. What are your opinions towards this weight loss issue? Have any of you had any experience on this?


  • damselfly

    Any pill or fad diet is just a gimmick or a crutch. ( sorry I don't mean to be harsh )

    The only way to lose weight successfully is to change how you eat. Give up the over processed foods and eat only what is closest to it's original form. Whole grains, fresh fruit & veggies, good quality meat and fish with lots of good water.

    Best of luck to her


  • Purza

    I don't know about this drug personally, but it dooesn't sound too healthy. Is this part of the Fen-Phen duo that was popular about 10 years ago? They pulled that stuff off the market because it caused damage to heart valves. Please, make sure you research this drug.

    In my case, I have found Weight Watchers to be the most effective. I think it is because you can eat everyday food. I have also read that it is the one people can stick with the longest. I lost 20 lbs two years ago and I have managed to maintain my weight following the WW plan.


  • Ms. Whip
    Ms. Whip

    Phentermine is a sympathomimetic amine, which is similar to an amphetamine. like amphetamine, it's addictive and harmful...but, hey! it's an upper!! wooo hooo

    if she's having trouble sleeping she may need to tell her doctor to adjust her dose...or take it early in the day. if she decides to stop taking it all together...let me know, i'll email you my address for the left-overs.

    alt i've emailed laura for extra xanax as well.

  • Emma

    She's got a lot of things to deal with being a mom of young children. She shouldn't stress about her weight which will just add another worry, but just try to eat healthy. If she could get out and exercise (walk a few miles, or bike, or even a gym - could you watch the kids?) it would help her physically as well as mentally.

    Speaking from experience, sometimes we give everything to our families and leave nothing for ourselves.

  • kls
    Phentermine is a sympathomimetic amine, which is similar to an amphetamine. like amphetamine, it's addictive and harmful

    And can also raise your blood pressure dramically. Depending how old your children are it takes time to lose that baby fat which is put on during pregnancy. Have the family go biking of go for walks or have her join a gym . I have some parts i need to work on so i joined my son's who are bodybuilders and i am going to weight train. Make excercise fun and yes she has to watch her diet and not take in more calories then she is using.

  • crazyblondeb

    I have struggled with my weight since I had to have a hysterectomy. I took that same diet pill about 5 years ago. After my first script from the doctor, we went to Mexico and stocked up. Within 5 months I lost 65 pounds. I still watched what I ate and walked at the track. BUT, I developed a bundle branch block. (electricity in the heart isn't right.) So I gained my weight back. Then 2 years ago I found the wonder drug meth, lost even more weight in 3 months. (I know, nurses SHOULD know better, I plead a blonde moment.) In 3 days I have 1 year clean and sober. I've gained all my weight back, PLUS more. I've been taking meds for bipolar, too,.or was. I had to readjust my doses. That promotes weight gain. I've NEVER been this large, can't stand looking in a mirror. Yea, I know all the crap about it's ok.....yada yada yada.....

    I know for myself, I can't do the diet pills. Not only cause of my heart, I can't do them "as prescribed". They have their place, along with eating right, exercising, and short term use, under the care of a GOOD doctor.Please be careful, monitor B/P, pulse, etc.

    Oh, Ms Whip, I'll arm wrestle you for the leftovers!!!!


  • Carol

    Years ago, I too became legally hooked to this form of diet control. Decided to stop taking them even though I was slim and trim....I was up 22 hours a day, cleaning, doing yard work...whatever needed to be done...could not sleep! I quit cold turkey, wouldn't recommend that to anyone.

    I've spent years with my weight yoyoing! Finally, I've just decided to eat as healthy as possible....walk...and not sweat the extra weight as long as I can keep my BP down. I bought Dr. Phil's book and found it helpful and I've been averaging a pound a week....I didn't put the weight on overnight, I'm not going to loose it overnight. If I don't loose one week, I don't worry about it!

    Unless your wife is morbidly obese, she's doing more harm than good trying to get rid of the extra weight this way.....if she's healthy and her BP is norman, she'd be better off with a healthy diet and moderate exercise....say a walk in the evening, weather permitting.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Your wife is begging for heart problems taking that crap. What good is it to fit into those jeans if she drops dead on you six months from now?

    Damselfly is right. I have struggled with my weight for years, and it was not until I got it through my thick skull a few months ago that I had to change the way the entire family ate.

    For the past three months, I have not cooked high fat foods. Meat is broiled, boiled, steamed or bbq'd. We eat fish at least two dinners a week. Bread is course grind whole wheat. I don't keep butter, chips, pasta, potatoes, candy, pastry, cheese or regular soda in the house. If my husband wants to go to the store for 'a bag of death', he's welcome to it, but he knows that I just don't buy it any more.

    The fridge is stocked with fruit, cut up veggies and pre-cooked slices of chicken, turkey, or salmon for snacking. It has been amazing.

    I have lost 25 lbs., and my husband 18. What's funny is that just the other day we went out for breakfast and I ordered a breakfast like I used to have. I ate about a quarter of it and just wasn't interested after that. I didn't even bother to bring it home... Last time I succumbed to temptation and ate a cheeseburger, it made me sick for a couple days. Our bodies are just used to the better foods now.

    The reality is that diets do not work!! It takes a change in eating habits that you've got to stick to for the rest of your life. I'm learning that its about making better choices all the time not having a bag of chips and then thinking that you'll 'make up for it' by skipping a meal here or there.


  • damselfly

    Can I get an AMEN for Jeannie!!!!

    It's amazing how our bodies will crave the healthly foods and make us sick if we eat the junk isn't it?


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