The one thing I truly fear is turning into my mother.
You're frightening me... The very thought scares the *ell out of me. My mother is bitter and angry that she has grown old in this 'system of things'. Mom had a beautiful operatic voice but never grew to her potential, instead, she waited on Jah and the 'new system'. She has wasted her entire life on the cult, and is sad, disappointed and very, very bitter.
In that, I did the same thing. I 'inherited' her voice, and did not pursue it for the same reasons she did. I kick myself now, but I was older when I wised up to the cult. My voice and looks are fading fast, and I am scared to death to expose myself to the criticizm and possible failure should I pursue the singing thing... I'll probably go to my grave regretting that.
I'll take whatever medications are neccessary to make it go away
LOL, been there, done that. The meds didn't help long-term... it was worth the try though.
she calls me and comes by my business almost daily
Man! Another one! That would so *iss me off...
things she says (about me, about herself, very little of it true) keep getting passed around town before finding their way to me
Geez... Please, if I ever do this to my daughters, someone shoot me... ((((((insomniac)))))