I made an interesting find last evening. I stumbled across a site purporting to be a Jehovah's Witness reform movement. While it sees value in Jehovah's Witnesses, its primary purpose is to reform the Governing Body. It does not like the manner in which the GB exercises authority over the rank and file members. Listed at the top left are the official Watchtower and the pro-Jehovah's Witnesses United sites. "Non-Arguments Against Jehovah's Witnesses" even gives a defense of why the Watchtower is not to be considered a false prophet. But what is most interesting is the areas that they are seeking changes within the organization. There is even a petition to sign, for those so desiring.
What I'm wondering is when and by whom the 95 Theses were tacked to the Brooklyn Bethel door. Remember, the Protestant Reformation began with Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg church.