The Jehovah's Witnesses Reformation Movement

by Kenneson 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    You can't reform a gotta bury it so the stink goes away!

    -BONEZZ LOL That's funny!!!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I think it shows hope that there are jw reform groups but I think they are living in Fantasy Land. If you took out all the pieces of the Watchtower that are harmful or wrong there wouldn't be much left. It would be trying to pick out the gray hairs on your head when you start going gray, eventually you would be bald because you're going to keep finding more. They could even keep the name Jehovah's Witnesses because even Jehovah is a false name.

  • jgnat

    Yes, but the first step is noticing the grey. I say, all power to JW reform! Even if it is a futile attempt, what a ride! Remember, JWD was founded with very similar good intentions. Hey, Simon?

  • Rabbit


    The best thing that could be done is to outlaw cults and disband this destructive org.

    I understand your passion and sentiments. However, things can get worse when you start censuring any religion. Who decides what's a 'cult' ? Or what's destructive ? I promise really don't want the almighty government dictating laws for that ' slippery slope'.

    The Society's Blood Doctrine murdered my mother. I am very bitter about that. But, if you 'outlaw' any know they will find a way to do it 'underground' just like the Witnesses have done (as well as many, many others throughout history) they will find a way.

    The only thing we can do is try and reach a JW's thoughts. Most of them are good people...just blind & misled.


  • jaffacake

    Ouch, no need to shout. I completely agree the JWs are completely beyond reform. Even from my Christian perspective there is no way you try to reform the Anti-Christ into Christianity.

    Having spent time on the site, it is very clear that leading members are NOT still JWs, far from it. However, their approach is just another way of planting seeds, far more subtle than most of us, which may be a more effective way for some people.

    Lets face it, once you accept that the JWs are not properly led, then the whole FDS & God's organisation falls apart, and the whole house of cards comes tumbling down. They are persuading some questioning JWs to tug at one of the base cards, and for some individuaks, the whole house of cards could collapse. BTW I have seen some excellent ebate on JWD, most of those folks are good guys. One told me they were happy to challenge doctrine as well as behaviour of the Governing Body. There is more than one way to skin a cat, and more than one discussion board doing some good work. Long live the diversity of approaches.

  • Tigerman

    What, me paranoid?

    This movement smells ( no pun intended). Could it possibly be an organization that is nothing less than a spin off of the WTS ? It's time for the GB to make changes; the times we live in demand it.

  • kazar

    It appears to be a genuine anti-JW link to me. Has anyone here signed the Petition requested in the link?

  • Tigerman

    kazar . . .we all know that appearances can deceive, don't we?

  • stillajwexelder

    A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Allow me to predict what would happen if this group with their signed petitions tried to pull a "95 thesis" like Martin Luther did against the Catholic Church. The WBTS/GB would make the "Diet of Worms" look like a boy scout picnic, by comparison.

    I predict that they would take that list, hunt everyone down, and disfellowship every one of them. There would be a total housecleaning amongst the various congregations. That petition list would just make their job easier, because they would know exactly who to pursue and take the necessary action. It is possible they might give them one warning first, and if they do not back off, then the will proceed with the Disfellowshipment.

    They simply must keep "Jehovah's Organization" clean, and this is rebellion and apostasy pure and simple!

    I just don't think they would be intimidated by a class action pressure tactic. They would be the ones that would be to blame, not Jehovah's inspired leadership. This is a "Theocracy" Dictatorship in the name of God, and the "collective will" simply does not count.

    Rod P.

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