The Jehovah's Witnesses Reformation Movement

by Kenneson 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I notice that nowadays it's very difficult to get disfellowshipped, as opposed to much earlier days when just about anything would get a person disfellowshipped at the drop of a hat.

    I think that's somewhat an improvement.

    More improvements to come. I'm certain of that as the old policy-makers retire to their graves. May they and their old policies rest in peace!


  • ithinkisee

    I have been studying the history of Christianity lately and I find that after time a reformation of a new strain of religion does happen.

    It might be too early for a successful reformation group to break off yet - but I imagine it will come someday.

    Naturally, I will not be a part of it ... but it is interesting. Thanks for the link.


  • Elsewhere
    There is even a petition to sign, for those so desiring.

    This would be an excellent fast-track for anyone wanting to be DFed.

  • wednesday

    It is true the org is not Df 'ing as much as they used to-but that is just legal trickery . They shun as much or more than they use to. many things that were DF offenses are not any longer.. They are either DA offenses or Marking offenses. There is much less love in the org now than in years gone by.


  • jaffacake

    I am a member of that forum. For some people it may be more credible than this site, and could open the door for further investigation. Generally it makes a good contribution, we need diversity of approaches in opposing the evil slave.

  • kilroy2


    You may as well try to reform the Manson gang. Why on earth would someone try to reform a cult? There is only one reason, these "reformers" have not made the leap to cut the ties to the mind control cult, they see there are things wrong but cant bring themselves to leave. This is like a heroin addict saying they can reform the drug so it is more user friendly. not possible. there is only one way to fix the problem of being a dubber. leave cold turkey, If you have family and friends that ridicule you when you leave, it is just like the Hitler jugend, to use pressure from your piers to keep your thinking in line, the good news is that there is not dubber state to back up the Jehovah jugend. Reform is an illusion, DON'T buy into this garbage. those that are holding on try to leave as fast as you are able. for those that have left, stay away from the cult. Remember how they look harmless to the house holder at first then before you know it you are cutting ties to family and friends that are non dubbers.

    Just like the HJ the JJ use the
    "turn in those that do not think like they are supposed to so they can be put back in line"

    The would use force if they had the power to do so. Thankfully they do not. [I am an atheist so I don't use god]

    There is nothing to reform in the NSDAP and there is nothing to reform in the WTBTS.

    The best thing that could be done is to outlaw cults and disband this destructive org.

  • vitty

    Jaffa, I agree. after looking at this site I wondered how the owner could still be an active JW, but there are many different reasons why ones stay in the org.

    I tried to think how I would feel about this site had I still been in,( Ihavent been to a meeting in over a year ) I must have been very innocent, as I knew nothing of the scandles and really believed all my doubts were my fault.

    I think this is true of many, I have a young adult daughter who is still in,she in newly married and they are having trouble with the new cong and PO already (yippee) but I hate to see her unhappy and she knows she can have a moan to us, but we want her out. The only trouble is how to do it without her going on her guard.

    How do you get information out to JW about these non threatning sites without them becoming suspicious of you. Although I dont believe in reforming the org, this site could be the first step for the SPELL to be broken for many ppl who still believe the WT is the only true religion

    If anyone has any ideas let me know,


    You can't reform a gotta bury it so the stink goes away!


  • zulukai

    This reform movement is rather an exciting new fly in the ointment IMO. I can foresee a confrontation starting between these well intentioned protestors and the Borg that could end in an avalanch of departures. When these reform advocates see that there will be NO change and that they have correctly seen what's behind the mask and risked exposure to the wrath of the henchmen of this filthy cult there could well be hell to pay.

    Sure they should just get OUT but some people need to storm the bastions in defence of what they believe. The language used in that website is a call to arms and the GB will be paying attention because the majority of the rebels are JWs in good standing. What are they going to do disfellowship entire congregations? Let's hope!!

  • M.J.

    Some people say that most "mainstream" religious groups today have their origins in a cult.

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