I hate tailgaters
Name Things that AGGRAVATE You
by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends
When my cats think their ars in in the litter box, when its not, and shi* all over the lid and floor!!!!!
I hate tailgaters
You don't drive a 1960 Impala, do you?
When they take my favourite programmes off tv and replace them with football
undercover said:
ever notice it's the rich white mofos that buy expensive sports cars and then drive them like my grandmother used to drive her 1960 Impala?
Sure, I've seen those as well. My point was that people sometimes tend to fixate on racial or other sterotypes when, if they would open their eyes, they would realize that bad driving knows no boundaries. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, from a certain perspective, we are all guilty of sh*tty driving from time to time, likely even feeding into some other person's stereotyping.
Example: I used to live in a quite wealthy neighborhood where I would bitch all the time about the "rich, white mofos" driving their BMWs, Hummers, etc. like they own the road. Then I moved back to a more middle, lower-middle class area and caught myself bitching about the "poor trash mofos" driving their hoopties. I stopped cold and realized that there was no need to stereotype any further than just "bad drivers".
This drives me nuts because my father, a JW, when I tell him of a driving incident, will inevitably reply "and I'll bet they were mexican, weren't they!" I correct him every time since in no case has it ever been someone from south of the border in fact. But this is an example where he will ignore the skin tone of some people who might cut him off, but fixate on "Mexicans" if they were to.
I hate when I'm at work and somone tries to return something for a stupid reason. It's always some reason like they broke it, or they opened it and let their kids play with it for a while and now they don't want it anymore. It's always the same thing. Don't people realize once they have bought something and opened it, and tried to use it that it's theirs.
Anyhow, back to topic...
I am aggravated when people don't take responsibility for their own words and actions. I'm even more aggravated when I catch myself doing the same thing.
I am aggravated by people who live their lives with blinders on. I'm even more aggravated when I think I'm living life with no blinders and find that although one might think he has a broader view of things than others, those binders are still there, just perhaps opened a bit wider, or so we think.
My point was that people sometimes tend to fixate on racial or other sterotypes when, if they would open their eyes, they would realize that bad driving knows no boundaries.
You're right of course...and I'll go one better, one that I am guilty of...how many of us say: "damn people from (enter favorite hated state here) can't drive". I've always complained about Floridians driving in the left lane for miles and miles or driving real slow in the mountains (cause they don't have hills and curves down there). But a friend of mine from up north complains about people from my state never using turn signals. Now, I use my turn signals so he's stereotyping when he says that. It's then I realize that I'm doing the same thing when I talk about Floridians and their driving habits.
Many stereotypes are true. Now regarding the Asian or Indian drivers, I am ALWAYS correct if the car in front of me is driving extremely slow and the person's head never moves and only keeps straight. I'm always right....on this one.
I hate it when I am in line at the grocery store, or any store, and the person ahead of me is finished with their transaction and they stay in place, rearranging their purse, or calculating their checkbook, instead of moving aside for the next in line..................ME!!!