Name Things that AGGRAVATE You

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • detective

    I'm already in Boston and yes, the traffic was horrible.

    Coffee was right, many of the roads here are paved over the original cobblestones, hence the small winding streets and seemingly senseless one ways. During pothole season you can actually look into the foot-deep potholes, and just below the broken axles and twisted hubcaps you can see the original cobblestones.

  • Gozz

    Just 15%?? Food is 12%. Most all else 24%. The communists.

    People who put mayonnaise on ice cream. Yes, some extraterrestrial that should extinct did this just last Friday.


  • Dimples
    Ummmmmm Errrrrrrrrrr Excuse me, it just came out

    Love2B...At least I can't smell it through the computer screen...Na, Na, Na, Na, Na!!


  • coffee_black

    *Parking in Boston! I had to park on Newbury St. $7.00 for half an hour. It took me 1 hour to drive into the city...and 1 1/2 hours to leave due to traffic (and yes there was a slowdown because someone was changing a tire on the Southeast Expressway) and all of the construction!!! Tried an alternate route on the way out and it was even worse because of all the construction.

    I'm home now...supposed to be doing paperwork...and I will after my coffee break.


  • prophecor

    People who jump the line in traffic. They come on either opposite side of you, just so they can get ahead of the pack, what is your M&F'n problem ? M&F'rs. You should all die!!!!!!!, justdie and be done witcha'

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    People who take everything (and probably everyone) for granted - you know - like the bus service that nobody ever uses, then the transport authority announces that they're going to withdraw it. Suddenly hordes of people crawl out the woodwork and start screaming 'You can't do that, it's our lifeline!' GRRRR!!! Use the damn service then they won't withdraw it!!

    Or the shop/theatre/cinema that's closing dow because nobody uses it - same thing, suddenly there's a 3000 name petition of people who only used it once in the last 10 years!

    Also motorists who rubberneck, drink-drive, use their mobiles while driving, think that their indicators are for ornamental purposes only rather than to let everyone else know where they're going, drive along 'access only' roads or excessively break the speed limit....Come to think of it, maybe I just hate motorists

    emo - of the definitely a pedestrian class

  • undercover
    People who jump the line in traffic. They come on either opposite side of you, just so they can get ahead of the pack,

    What is it with people when they see a "road closed two miles ahead" sign, they all have to get in the thru lane immediately? Now you've got traffic backed up with no one using the soon to be closed lane. The road's not closed's closed two miles ahead. Fill up both lanes and where it funnels to one lane alternate cars from the left lane, right lane, left lane, right lane. It'd go quicker if we did that, but nooooo, everybody has to stack up in one lane for five miles. I'm one of those that uses the empty lane until it's closed then I "merge" into the open lane.

  • prophecor

    Molasses ass people who meander in the aisles of the super market. They just take thier God forsaken time. No consideration for those of us whowant to get our things and get the #+$% out. Their shopping carts bottlenecking up any means of being able to get by. Then those who just leave thier carts in the middle of the aisle ( and you know who you are ) while you try to navigate around their stupid behinds, dontcha' know that you're blocking traffic? Do you really think you're the only one shopping in here? Ya' buncha' morons!!!!

  • horrible life
  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Prophecor You need to come to the South and go to Walmart. The aisles are large, the stores are big. You can just wander around and shop. Taking your time.......... Look at the new products...... Figure out what size you want......Is it cheaper to buy the larger size........ Is that toliet paper 2-ply? and compare it to the others. When I go to the store I also see all of my friends and people I know. I have to stop and talk. Everybody understands. Have you ever driven down the street and 2 cars are stopped and they are talking? Happenes here all of the time. You just wait a couple of seconds, they break it up, smile and wave, and you are on your way. CHILL

    Come on down to the South, we all's would be glad to have ya. HL

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